Pure Barre, Lululemon, and My Search for Sculpted Arms



I Think Barre Classes Work

I’m obsessed with arm muscles. Not male arms, but all the magnificently sculpted female arms and shoulders I see everywhere now that I’m paying attention. Somehow in the past decade since I cancelled my gym membership, I fell asleep at the wheel while the arm craze exploded. Ditto for the Lululemon craze, but I’ll get to that later.

I’m Not Really a Workout Person

A little background: I’m not known as an exercise person. In high school and college I did STEP classes, roller bladed, and whatever else people loved in the 90s. That said, I was never slim. No matter how many miles I logged on the treadmill or how many times I did this exact Cindy Crawford video, I could not possibly compensate for the sheer volume of frozen yogurt and Snackwells cookies I ate in the name of “fat-free” living.

Now that my kids rely on my choices for their nutrition, I try to eat like a reasonable person. I also begrudgingly but consistently walk at least five times a week, and I try to make sure I’m getting 10,000 steps a day. I love my Fitbit Altafor that. I’m not into a super fancy smart watch or an Apple Watch. Keep it simple.

Weight is one thing; ripped arms are another.

I’m definitely out of shape. I can’t do a push up; and my abs are a long-lost cause. A few months ago I attempted a toning routine using Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD, but I soon got bored. Finally, after almost a decade, I was ready to exercise in public again.


In the words of Pure Barre:

“Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change the shape of your body. Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, abs and arms and burns fat in record-breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!”

The grand opening of Pure Barre in Minneapolis was announced just as I’d grown tired of working out alone. Since the studio is located minutes from my girls’ preschool, I thought I’d see what it was all about. I loved the idea of a small studio as opposed to a gym. Several of my friends swear by Core Power Yoga, which is also a small studio concept, but those workouts are hot and sweaty. Hot and sweaty means I’d have to deal with my hair on a regular basis. And I cannot deal with my hair on a regular basis.


Arriving for my first class, I couldn’t help but notice the Lululemon insignia on almost every tank top and pant. Honest to goodness, there was not a Nike, Adidas, or other logo that I could see. But before I could fully contemplate my outdated early-2000s ensemble, we were up and moving. There was a blur of warming up followed by a quick and impossible (for me) ab routine on the floor. Then before I knew it, we were standing up in front of the mirror again, weights in hand.

Holy. Arms.

The result of a decade of grandmotherly-paced exercise on a recumbent bike and some walking was never more evident. Apparently, somebody forgot to send me the memo when arms became “a thing.” All I saw reflected back at me in that wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling mirror was one set of defined biceps, triceps, and shoulders after another.

I was like that woman from every sitcom who only sees babies the minute she decides she’s ready to become a mom. For days all I could see was sculpted arms, and I wanted my own set. That’s when I signed up for a month of classes and got to work.

A Difference After 10 Pure Barre Classes

True to Pure Barre’s claim, after ten classes I already feel stronger and more toned—probably in my legs and tush more than my arms, but my friend Jacy swears she saw some definition on my biceps last time we took a class together.

Here’s the biggest shocker for me: I actually like being part of an exercise community. At the risk of sounding like I’m drinking a little too much of the Kool-Aid, I have to say there’s good energy at Pure Barre. The staff and the clients are friendly. Nobody points and laughs when I make weird faces during the hardest parts. You can make a reservation ahead of time online so there’s no fighting for space. And nobody sweats on me. All good things.


I obviously “needed” workout apparel appropriate for public viewing. Being the completely unoriginal non-fashionista that I am, my first stop was Lululemon. Weeks later I discovered Athleta, which is just as expensive. Then I happily found inexpensive workout clothes at Old Navy and on Amazon.

I can see now that staying in shape is like a part-time job. I spend less time on the computer than I did before because I only have so much coverage for my kids. I don’t think I’ve made a bad trade—at least for now. I spend less time on Twitter and Facebook and almost no time on Pinterest whatsoever, but it’s been worth it. Or at least it will be once I can do a full set of push ups.

Of course once that happens I’ll probably move on to some other obsession that has nothing to do with health and exercise. I guess that’s the joy of hobbies, right? Nobody said you could only choose one.

 EDITED to SAY: I wrote about my 100-Pure Barre class milestone. Check it out! 

And later to say I tried a month of Corepower Yoga and the full report is here!


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Nina Badzin hosts the podcast Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship. She's been writing about friendship since 2014, co-leads the writing groups at ModernWell in Minneapolis, and reviews 30+ books a year on her website.

94 Responses

  1. Nina,
    You are so funny! I loved reading this. Your second to last paragraph is 100% accurate and I bet u that u COULD do a full set of push ups. :). But isn’t it more fun exercising in cute apparel? Ha ha. Pls don’t give up your new hobby/obsession. This one should stick! What a good example u are setting for your kids to take care of yourself. And isn’t it a great feeling for you to look in the mirror and see some killer arms?

    1. Laura, you look AMAZING and are such an inspiration. Really. So glad you like the post. My arms are NOT killer yet, not even close. But I AM having fun!

    2. Ha! Nina, as always, spot on. I’m starting a month-long unlimited pass at Barre Bliss (same concept but in Minneapolis)…as soon as I can figure out how to make time for it before my pass expires…Laura, I was totally going to ask you to advise me (or have me pay you) to get arms like yours.

  2. That’s so cool. I wish there was an actual ballet class I could take for women who are past signing up for 5-K ballet routines where cute leotards and pink tights are the norm. I took ballet in middle and high school, and I miss it.

  3. Okay, so you won’t shoot me if I admit that I run marathons? My secret is safe here?

    Tonight, my husband and I took the children to REI for a shopping trip. Seriously, Nina, this was the highlight of our week. The children climbed rocks and knocked over tents and kayaks and my husband and I tried on trail running shoes. The pair I bought is bright purple with yellow cleats. I wish I could show you a picture of them!

    My husband is convinced I bought these shoes because they are in his school’s colors.

    Gah! I do have a point, but it is eluding me. Perhaps I just feel so comfortable talking with you about exercise because it has been a part of my life for decades. I think my larger point is that the exercise community may look intimidating on the outside but once you join it, you will find that it is a very welcoming group of people. It doesn’t matter what gear you end up wearing or how sculpted your abs are: what matters is showing up.

    Once you show up, by and large, you will be met with open arms.

    And now to bed!

    1. It’s great that you and your husband can enjoy the same exercise passion! Also–what a great point about the community looking intimidating until you’re a part of it. I think that’s true for most groups, isn’t it? The writing community, blogging, etc. It’s good to remember! Just jump in.

  4. Good for you!!! May the arms of your dreams become a reality..and may you enjoy the journey along the way!

  5. This sounds like my kind of exercise. I’m also a fair-weather recumbent bike user (sweat is overrated), but lately have been searching for something different. Maybe this is the answer. *P.S. The activewear section at Target ain’t so shabby, either.

    1. Hi Amanda! Here’s what I realized about Target workout clothes–they’re not THAT cheap, really. Well, not as cheap as what I’d expect, though I should probably stop expecting Target to be inexpensive. I tried every c9 product they have and didn’t love the fit. Ultimately I decided to spring for a few lululemon pieces I loved and a few old navy ones I liked enough. Now I look the part! 😉

    1. OH–meant to tell you via Twitter . . . now that I’m back on dairy I’m poking around the 17 day diet book. Curious about it. Though I probably can’t do something that strict, I’m intrigued.

  6. Haha…thanks for the a.m. chuckle 🙂 I had a couple of months of inspiration after my daughter was born & attempted the “adult” diet & Jillian’s 30 day shred! Ha 🙂 but I always felt ravenous while I was nursing so I gave up all hopes of depriving myself. The thing that seemed to stick was a yoga (regular, not hot!) class & Turbo! If you’ve never tried it, it is pretty fun – I also was not dressed appropriately (h.s. track tshirt & baggy yoga pants) but its sort of like tae Bo or kickboxing set to hip hop/pop music 🙂

    Sadly, I cancelled my gym membership at the beginning of the year, so baby #2 has only gone for walks at the park 🙂

    1. Walks are good! I just stopped nursing a few weeks ago so it’s been nice to step up working out. AND, it’s been even nicer to have coffee and dairy back in my life.

  7. I am at the point where I am getting jealous of the arms of others, too! I want the Angela Bassett arms like she had in the Tina Turner movie, but I hate, really hate, super hate working out. But maybe, because of your review, I think I might try Pure Barre exercise. 🙂

  8. Just clicked that Pure Barre link – how misleading. That was actually a link to The Gun Show.

    Good luck with the “hobby.” My “hobby” as of late is eating healthy and eating a LOT less meat. Sometimes, I lose motivation but then I’m reminded I’m doing it so that I’ll be around a lot longer to enjoy my wife, kids and friends, not to mention, I need far fewer naps.

    But this post reminds me of all the guys at my gym who do nothing but exercises for their biceps or their pecs. I think toned arms are a good goal but not an end in and of themselves, as most of those guys have enormous pecs or biceps but weak legs and/or a beer belly.

    Good luck!

    1. Ha! Well, my husband made me promise not to get too into the whole arm thing. He’s not a fan of women who have that somewhat masculine look. The ladies can definitely go too far with this stuff. Of course he seems to have forgotten that I’m not apt to go too far with anything exercise related. When it comes down to it, I just don’t care THAT much about the physical stuff.

      I’m glad to hear the healthier eating has been going well for you. It’s been a long time now! Good for you!

      1. It’s true. Some of the “ladies” at my gym scare me. They lift far more than I do and could probably stuff me in a locker if I’m not careful.

        But now you have cute workout clothes, so that should be motivation to keep up w/ the physical stuff, right? Or at the very least, you’ll look cute at the grocery pretending to have just finished a workout. Kind of like last week when I went to Trader Joe’s in my workout clothes and was sweating like a pig. The cashier asks me, “Wow. Real good workout today, huh?” “No,” I said, “It’s just really hot outside.”

  9. I realize we’re talking arms here, but let’s take a second to talk tuchuses. Those Lululemon pants that everybody raves about? It’s because they make your bum look like a million bucks, or at least $100. I use Lululemon’s sale rack as an incentive for getting my workouts in.

    1. It’s so true, Emily. I did buy a few things and I’ll probably wear them out quickly as I’ve been wandering around town in the same few things. Yes, I’ve turned into a bit of a cliche, haven’t I?

    1. That posted without my consent.
      Quite the guilt inducing post for me LOL. My kids are gone on a 9 week trip to Thailand. Before they left I had envisioned hitting the gym every day. In actuality it seems that I hit the couch or the bar every day. I haven’t been to a yoga class in over a week. It’s pathetic. I’ve had 3 weeks to be a slacker but I’m swearing here and now to stop being a bum and start working out again.
      Before I went into full couch potato mode I did try out a TRX class. Oh man my arms were sore for a WEEK! And my stomach and tushy hurt. It was AMAZING. I need to get motivated to go to more of them because they are a FULL body work out. When you get bored with Barre you should try it. It’ll seriously kick your tush.

      1. Nine weeks!!!!! Wow! Okay, first of all, you’ve earned a few weeks of slacker time. But I know you and you’ll be livid with yourself if you don’t get back into your routine. I saw in some of your tweets a while back that you were alone, but I didn’t realize you still had more time.

        Okay, what’s TRX?

        1. I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what TRX stands for but it’s a total body suspension workout. So if you do your classes at a gym you’ll probably see straps hangning around the room from the ceiling or bars. That’s for TRX. The worst one’s are when you stick your feet in the straps and you have to support your upper body with your arms and your lower body with your abs. It’s crazy!
          Here’s the link: http://www.trxtraining.com/

  10. One of the main reasons I love running is that since I head out by myself, I can pretend no one sees what I’m wearing (like a horse with blinders on, right?).

    I would LOVE a work-out wardrobe of Lulu Lemon and Athleta.
    But dang I think my kids want to go to college.

    Still, thanks for sharing your Pure Barre experience.
    If I weren’t so completely anti-social, I might actually try it.

    Good luck with your arms, my friend.
    Picture me saluting you with both of mine right now…

  11. “Hot and sweaty means I’d have to deal with my hair on a regular basis. And I cannot deal with my hair on a regular basis,” made me laugh out loud. I soooo understand this sentiment, Nina. And I’m in the same boat you were: I’ve been not exercising in any way that counts for a few years now, and I definitely need to step back into it. Pure Barre sounds awesome, since I used to dance and feel the same way you do about people sweating on me. Thanks for introducing me to that. I’m going to go look it up right now!

  12. Hi I’m from SF and we have the barre method as well here, which I tried and liked but I also get bored easily 🙂 What seems to stick for me are dance classes and I’ve been doing zumba for the last couple of months, which I love! I don’t feel like I’m really exercising because I’m dancing and you feel so good afterwards.

  13. You know I get hot and sweaty and I STILL don’t deal with my hair on a regular basis. Dirty hair performs better:-) Anyway, we like to say one way that fitness becomes a habit is by finding your exercise passion. And it sounds like you have! I also believe we can have lots of exercise passions, so don’t stop searching! Did you notice I said habit–not hobby? Mmm…hmm… Hobbies don’t necessarily help you maintain your mobility into old age or prevent diabetes and strokes or help you live long enough and well enough to be the “fun grandma.” Buff arms are nice too, right? Lots of motivation to move, best of all finding a fit community and having fun. Hope Lulu decides to sponsor you:-)

  14. ha! Sorry I totally didn’t understand what you were saying about the Barre method at LLL! Sounds like so much fun and I wish I could do it. As to not being in shape, you kicked butt and you look fabulous:)

    So, what is your final take on lululemon?

    1. First, thank you! By the way, I was sore for DAYS after your workout. You’re a great teacher.

      As for lulu . . . I wish I could I say I was above such things. Of course I love it ALL. I bought a few things. I would buy more but it IS pricey.Also, I really don’t want to be wearing the same thing as everyone else so I plan to keep it limited.

  15. My sister has been going on about barre classes but I don’t think I have any nearby. I was working on pretty good arm muscles up until a few months ago when I slacked off and now I’m feeling all soft again. Back in the saddle this week. I got an Athleta catalog today and within seconds was coveting almost everything in it. Maybe I’ve got a Gap reward around here somewhere I can put toward a tank top or something, ha!

  16. I have been dying to try barre but the whole triplet pregnancy and recovery has put that on hold. And don’t even get me started on HP and Lulu…I could do a whole blog on the topic!!!! I do like Athleta’s new line though…and nordstrom rack has some good workout clothes including a line called Zella made by a lulu designer and much cheaper.

    1. Oh my goodness–I’m so happy to hear from you. I love the pictures of your four gorgeous kids on Facebook. TRIPLETS!!!!! All with excellent names.

      Okay, do not even be worrying about barre or anything else except getting through the day in one piece. When the time is right, you’ll tackle that stuff again.

      I like the Zella stuff too. Good call! And I can only imagine HP and Lulu. Ha!

  17. Nina, these past few weeks, I’ve not only appreciated all your guidance, but also been amazed at how much we have in common. This blog entry is just another case in point. Like you, I am not a natural exerciser, and much of my workouts of late have been relegated to my basement. I too tried the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred post baby #4, but instead of getting shredded, I ended up in physical therapy from the weights, the car seat lifting, the baby carrying and nursing. Now that I’m done with P.T., I’ve also been looking into doing something more frequently for exercise and have been debating between hot yoga and barre method. I think that you might have made my decision for me with this blog. (At least for the summer… who wants hot yoga when it’s 90 degrees outside?) As for Lulu and me, my husband just got me my second and third pair of pants from there for Mother’s Day, but I returned the exercise-y ones, and opted for comfy knock around ones. I figure my early 2000s Nike stuff doesn’t mind some of my sweat, and I can save what precious little Lulu I own for apres work out. : ) Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

    1. Thanks so much, Mimi! We do have a crazy amount of things in common. Move to Minneapolis with your clan and we can be in-person friends. 😉 Seriously though, I bet our kids will meet up at camp one day.

      Now on to exercise talk. I will probably try hot yoga in the winter just to mix things up. You try it first and let me know what you think! (Though I agree, not on a 90 degree day.)

      1. Nina- I didn’t get a chance to read this last week but finally got around to it. Good for you! I would love toned arms too but I have a long way to go. I tried a few classes at The Dailey Method (a barre workout) and it was just too hard for me, to the point that it wasn’t enjoyable (not being naturally athletic either). I love, love, love, hot yoga. I go to both Core Power Yoga, and a newer place here in Chicago (Hi Mimi! The other place is Power Yoga Chicago- not all of the bells and whistles of CPY but still good) . It’s a great workout and you can continuously keep challenging yourself (and I don’t mind sweating!). You should try it if you’re looking for an alternative. Thanks, as always!

        1. I have a feeling I’ll end up trying CPY in the fall or winter when I can stand being that hot. I know my friends who do it look and feel fantastic. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  18. This class sounds like so much fun, Nina. I wish I had one close to my house; I think I’ve heard of one in downtown Austin but it’s about 20 miles away, and that’s a lot of time and gas for me for several times a week!

    Like you, my newest obsessions is sculpting my arms. I’ve been taking a bootcamp class for about a year now and went from not even being able to do a single pushup to being able to do several (and I’m starting to feel some definition!).

    Also, cute workout clothes is one of my top ways to get motivated 😉 But I refuse to spend $45 on a shirt I’ll be soaking with sweat, so aside from places like Old Navy, also try Marshalls, TJ Max, etc. I’ve gotten some great tops for less than half the price!

  19. LOVE the hair comment! I’ve been doing my elliptical and Jillian Michaels DVD and have had to wash my hair EVERY DAY. I hate that. Fun post!

  20. I am so glad you found something you enjoy and you are seeing results! There is a place called Bar Method here that everyone raves about. Lululemon is a hot thing here too but I have found some cute stuff at Old Navy myself and have received some very nice compliments! My thoughts on workout clothes is they must be comfortable and yet functional. I’m sweating in it for God’s sakes. 🙂 I don’t need $100 pants for that. (My husband gave me a gift cert. for Lululemon for my birthday but have yet to venture in.)

    What makes a huge difference for me is diet. When my diet is clean and I am getting lots of water, I can see definition, especially in my arms show. Another item that has worked for me is my heart rate monitor. I found a New Balance watch and chest monitor strap at Costco for about $45 and it works great! I figured out my fat-burning zone (about 117-145 heartbeats per minute) and I try to maintain that throughout my workout. I also don’t walk out of the gym until I have burned a certain number of calories (for me that is 500; 300 for my weight training and 200 in cardio). It keeps me honest about how hard I am working out. 😉

    I can’t wait to hear about your progress and I’m so glad you are taking the time for yourself. You are a fantastic role model for your kids already and this is one more thing that is wonderful for them to see. Yay Nina!

    1. Hallie! You have been my clean eating role model. I know you’re right about the heart monitor. Anyone who is serious about working out has one. (I’m not quite that serious yet.) I have been eating SO much better though–really since I wrote that one post about eating like a grown up. Believe me, I enjoy plenty of treats and way too much sugar, but I’ve cleaned up my general diet tremendously. Lots of veggies, etc. I feel a lot better. I feel like I haven’t been on your blog in a bit. Off to visit you now.

  21. I think the key to any exercise routine is to find something you truly enjoy – BUT to also mix it up. I kind of burnt myself out on running and running only for the past two years. And then when mountain lions were sighted right by my house, that kind of put things on hold. But then I added kettlebells, hiking, some FIRM workouts (love), some swimming and now even some treadmill (simply because it’s too DANG HOT to be outside. Sniffle). Variety is the key! Living in the boonies means I must be creative. No gyms, no tennis courts or running tracks, and definitely NO Barre classes.

  22. I’d never even HEARD of Barre Classes or Lululemon! But I have noticed the toned arms, so I guess I don’t feel so in the dark 😉 Congratulations on finding an exercise you enjoy – I know how hard that is! And I hate to sweat, too (although once I do I appreciate that ‘rush’ runners always chase). Thank goodness for summer swimming season! I get my 30 minutes a day walking the dog in our hilly neighborhood (which, on warm days, does turn into a sweat-fest).

    But seriously. I say we bring back rollerblading.

    P.S. – You’re not going to BlogHer ’12 in NYC this August, by any chance, are you? I’m going (for one day) and I can’t wait!

    1. I am not planning on going to BlogHer . . . although a tiny part of me is thinking of looking into it. I always struggle deciding between writing conferencing and blogging ones. Not that I make it to much of anything with a house full of kids. I did, however, go to a writing conference in Boston last year and loved it.

  23. Nina, you’re so cute. I love all your “workout rules,” especially the ones involving sweat (or, more accurately, no sweat). Yay you for doing the trade off. I’m an avid exerciser, and I firmly believe you have to find things to do that you love, so it’s not such a chore to do them. That’s one great thing about community. You can sort of feed off each other’s energy.

    Good luck! Arm-baring season is upon us!

    1. It IS upon us and unfortunately my post has made others more aware of them too. I feel guilty for making anyone have to other think their arms. 😉

  24. I NEED this class! I want it! But I don’t know how I’ll get my butt to St. Louis Park between everything I’m juggling. Must figure this out!

  25. 1. I do care barre and it is really really hard but I do feel very strong from it. It is always hard, no matter how long you’ve been doing it.
    2. Since buying a pair of (Lucy) black compression workout pants, I have wished all my pants could be compression pants. Wow do those pants work.
    3. Have you seen Kelly Ripa’s arms? Sign o’ the times. These women have the arms of professional athletes. I like to watch Mad Men and remind myself that there was a time when softer, less defined was in. I think I’m aiming for something in between.
    4. I am finding I HAVE to exercise in a group or class I sign up for. Or I don’t do it.
    5. You have made me think about Hobbies. . . and how I’d like to have more. . . try new things. Will keep you posted!

    1. Okay, so Kelly is a bit of an extreme because she’s buff, but SO skinny! Ick. I agree on the nostalgia of a softer look. It’s interesting, there are really no celebrities I have in mind . . . just real people I see around the Twin Cities. People are fit around here!

  26. I signed up for a team relay (from Madison to Chicago) to raise money for a special project at my kids’ school. One of my hopes was that through the training for that, I would eventually get better at running and learn to like it. My sister and SIL just looove running, and I wanted to also.

    Now the race is a week away and I still don’t love it. I had a period of about a week where I thought just maybe I was starting to get into it, but that feeling went away. The fact remains that I have short legs and a big frame, so running probably just isn’t my thing.

    But in addition to the running, I’ve been increasing my attendance at Bikram yoga. I’d been going once a week or so for about a year, but since training for the race it’s been 2-3 times a week. I’ve been using it on the days that the training plan dictates cross-training. And I’m finding that I do like the Bikram. Wait–I should amend that: Bikram is realllly hard, and realllly sweaty, so I wouldn’t say I like doing it per se. But I like having done it. My perpetually tight neck and back feel better, my migraines are increasingly rare, and I’m far more flexible than I used to be. So once this race is over, I’m going to significantly reduce my running (possibly stop altogether) and just go to Bikram more often.

    And now I may also add a weight-training class to work on my arms. 🙂

  27. I always laugh at the specialized clothing and then put it own. The vented T-shirts, special fabrics/weaves etc. are awesome.Good luck.

  28. Nina- this is SO inspiring. You rock! I’ve been doing yoga on and off for about ten years, but last year found a studio in town that is perfect for me. It’s not “hot” yoga, but it’s very intense Iyengar yoga that forces you to tune in to the workout and pose with precision. Yes, it’s hard to squeeze it in with the kids, work, etc… but then again, I have found it is so good for not only my body, but my brain and overall health. THAT is a gift to yourself and the whole family.

  29. I’m not yet obsessed with arms and shoulders. However, when I reach for a glass in the kitchen cabinet, there always seems to be a teenage boy behind me who will quickly jiggle the extra skin that hangs. It does cause one to reconsider…

  30. This cracked me up! I am such an exercise person…and I admit I’m into arms! I really love strapless anything and there’s something super sexy about tones shoulders…try kettle bells! They will kill you…in a good way. And Lucy has better tops than Lulu…IMHO! Fun post!! Good for you for getting in there and kicking some mommy butt!!

  31. Awesome post! I too have a fixation for well-toned arms and I’m trying hard to get my own set. In India I guess the craze for muscular arms hasn’t caught on as much, because in my gym, people give me weird looks when I tell them I want toned biceps (apparently not so popular for women)!

  32. loved your post! my partner and I love Pure Barre and have been doing it now for about 2 1/2 months and can’t stop!!!!!

    1. Molly! Make sure to introduce yourself if we’re in the same class some time. Maybe we’ve already met or at least grimaced in pain together in the mirror. I’m always the one in the half lulu half old navy ensembles. 😉

      1. 🙂 Will do! I feel like we’ve had class together before…I am always there with my partner, Ania and we were the 2 that took the pictures for the Grand Opening party! I’m usually in the back row (LOL) with all my Old Navy attire on (no lulu for us)!

        1. I couldn’t make the opening! 🙁 I did, however, take home four of those cake balls for my kids the next day. The pictures were great. Saw them on Facebook.

  33. Hey Nina,
    I know this is totally not the point of your post, but it was interesting to me re one’s own body image. You said early on in the post that you were never slim when you were younger but when we were kids I always thought of you as a skinny girl! I was so surprised to read that you felt the opposite. Oh body image, you trickster you!

    1. Morgan, Hi!! I was for sure a skinny GIRL and pre-teen, but by high school I’d gained a good amount of weight and college too. Really I’ve been so lucky that in my adult years I’ve looked better than I did in my late teens and 20s. But yes, body image is tricky. I still see myself at the weight I was back in the “heavier” times (not that I was majorly overweight AT ALL, but a solid 30 pounds more than I am today after four kids!)

      Thanks for commenting! 🙂

    1. Hello! So it’s been another few weeks since you commented on my barre post. How do you feel now? I think it did ultimately help my arms. I’m almost at 100 classes now. 🙂

  34. Great post! I am addicted to Pure Barre,.take 4~6 classes a week and after 25 classes, I can finally do all the moves including Full on Man Pushups!!

  35. Hi Nina I went to pure barre last night for the first time. I wanted to find an article on if it really works. Your blog came up in my search! What do you think? Total conditioning or pure barre?

    1. I love that you found my post just via Google. Many have! 🙂

      My answer to your question is BOTH. I could not have done total conditioning without having been a barre fanatic for about six months. I wasn’t in any kind of shape to keep up in a class like total conditioning. Now I do both. I probably do barre 1-2 days a week and fill in with other classes. I use it in place of standard strength training with weights. It worked for me! And when you think of it that, it’s SO much cheaper than a trainer, especially when you buy a package. With a package you end up at about $12-15/class. A trainer is what–$75/time, at least?

    1. I know– they’re sort of the best. When I first went in the store I wanted to be all “ugh, this is so not for me.” Yeah–it’s for me. 😉

      As for barre, I’m hoping to get my report post 100 classes up this week!

  36. If you are looking for sculpted arms, I HIGHLY recommend Tracy Anderson. I have the genetic gift of what I lovingly call “Italian Grandma Arms”, and no amount of push ups are tricep curls seem to really help my underarm waddle…until I found Tracy Anderson. I do one of her arm workout 5x a week (they average about 8-10 minutes) and my arms are lithe and sculpted and feminine. I get compliments all the time.

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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Hi, I'm Nina

DEAR NINA: Conversations About Friendship is a podcast and newsletter about the ups and downs of adult friendship. I’m the host, Nina Badzin, a Minneapolis-based writer who accepted a position as a friendship advice columnist in 2014 and never stopped. DEAR NINA, the podcast, started in 2021, and has been referenced in The Wall Street JournalThe Washington PostTime Magazine, The GuardianThe Chicago TribuneThe Minneapolis Star Tribune, and elsewhere

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