I want to discuss the Gilmore Girls Netflix revival, but I must warn you, there are many spoilers below. We can’t have a proper Gilmore Girls review without talking about everything that happened. If you clicked on this post and are a big GG fan, don’t read on until you’ve watched all four episodes of “A Year in The Life.”
Most of my notes come from, “Fall,” the final of the four episodes, but they take all the episodes into account.
This is a bit of random rambling. Stick with me.
The first part of “Winter:” That was confusing, right? Rory is in London. Then back in Stars Hollow. Then London again. When she’s first in Stars Hollow it seems like she hasn’t been there in ages, but we know she must have been there for Richard’s funeral, which we learn was four months earlier. Huh?
Richard: Every reference to him was perfect. I loved him so much, and I’m glad he was still a big presence. The flashbacks while Rory is writing at her grandparents’ house made me cry.
Paris: She was classic and exactly like I imagined she would be, the career move and all. It was fun to see her and Rory back at Chilton. Loved Doyle, too.
Paul: I hated the Paul storyline from the moment he appeared and it never improved. It was a not-funny joke that never ended until the last scene of the last episode. Really, it took that long!
Michel: He was so great . And they gave him lots of screen time. Loved the scene when he’s interviewing his replacements and he says to the first guy, “Played Rolfe in The Sound of Music one too many times?” Michel had too many great lines to remember.
The Broadway show: Oy, that went on way too long for me, but I do love Sutton Foster so most (not all) is forgiven. Do you watch Younger? It’s one of my favorite shows now. As if the long musical wasn’t bad enough, then we had to endure the long meeting Taylor conducted afterwards.
Logan: I don’t think it was properly addressed that Logan is ENGAGED. Yes, it’s mentioned many times, but there is no good explanation provided for why Logan is still with the french girl when he so clearly loves Rory. And why does Rory allow herself to be in this kind of relationship? She and Logan seem great together. He’s not married yet. There are no children yet. Why are Rory and Logan not together? But how can we possibly feel good about Logan now that we’ve seen him treat his fiancé this way? Sigh. And is he the father of Rory’s baby? He has to be, right? Ugh. Also, this is clearly not the end of the series. No show can end on that note. I do not accept that final scene as the end. Nope.
A quick comment about the scene with Logan and his friends coming to take Rory out for the night. I love the friends and always did in the Yale years. I didn’t like that we couldn’t tell whether the whole thing was a dream until halfway through the segment though.
The WILD storyline: At first I was annoyed by the Wild storyline, but as it went on, I liked seeing Lorelei somewhere other than Stars Hollow, other parts of Connecticut, or at Yale visiting Rory. And I liked seeing her with other women her age! I mean, we all love Patty and Babette, but wasn’t it refreshing to see her interact with age appropriate people? The phone call Lorelei makes to Emily with her favorite Richard memory made the whole trip for me (as a viewer) worthwhile. And I LOVE that she ditches the backpack and goes back to civilization. And back to Luke. Then Luke’s speech about how he will fight for her is the best thing ever. That he already had a ring? Loved it.
Emily: Kelly Bishop is the best actress on this show, and I was pleased to see her get so many scenes. Emily sans Richard is exactly how I imagined it would be. She’s sad, angry, and lonely, and Amy and Daniel (the writers) did what they rightfully needed to do with her story.
Before this revival, have we ever seen Emily anywhere other than her house or occasionally in Stars Hollow? I love that Emily has Berta and Berta’s family with her everywhere. Then it’s sweet how Emily takes care of Berta. Emily in Nantucket is a nice idea. I hope she meets a worthy guy or a great group of girlfriends. The image of her there alone felt, well, lonely.
Emily at the D.A.R. meeting! Although it was fun to see her speak some truth, I actually found it uncomfortable to see her so unhinged. “This whole thing is dead to me anyway. It died with Richard.” THAT was a great line. Are we meant to believe that Emily only did the society stuff for Richard and that in Nantucket she will find different sorts of friends? Does that mean during her entire marriage she wasn’t true to herself at all? I’d rather believe that the life she built with Richard made sense at the time, but now she has a chance to try things a different way.
The relationship between Emily and Lorelei has always been the most interesting one to me. There is so much love and rejection on both sides and watching them flip flop between that love and resentment was well done. The full circle of Lorelei asking for the money for the Dragon Fly expansion by agreeing to the Nantucket visits was just right.
Rory: I couldn’t stand the roaming/flailing around lost for 3.5 episodes (though I could relate to it). I loved when she started writing her book. Gilmore Girls, it’s perfect. I really think it is, no matter how cheesy some reviewers will probably say it is.
Miss Celine! Fun appearance by a totally minor character. Good line: “Kirk Douglas taught me that. That and the hora.”
Christopher: Probably could have done more with him. But what? I don’t know.
Dean: looked good! That said, he was never my favorite, and I wanted to fast forward their conversation. Snore.
Sookie: I’m not buying that Sookie was gone for two years, including while Richard died, and Lorelei is not even a little upset? I’m even upset!
Jess: I didn’t like Jess in the original series, but I loved him in the new version. He gave Rory the book idea, and he’s a stable family member for Luke. The final longing look on Jess’s face as he looks through the window . . . I don’t know, guys. I think I’m finally team Jess.
Wedding plans: The step on the glass question. “We’re not Jewish.” “Aren’t we?” Ha! The wedding night is very sweet, but I wanted Emily there. Makes sense that Michel is there as a witness and not Sookie, considering the two-year abandonment. Not sure why Lane is there for the private ceremony. Was April invited at all?
Luke: He was perfect. Glad he’s not expanding the diner. It makes way more sense for The Dragon Fly Inn to expand.
DID I LIKE IT? Well, yes and no. I loved seeing all the characters and Stars Hollow. But I didn’t hate season 7 as much as the critics did and I was okay with where it ended back then. Rory was on her way to a great adventure on the campaign bus. Richard and Emily had attended Rory’s surprise going away party in Stars Hollow, where Richard delivered the perfect line: “It takes a remarkable person to inspire all this.” Now with this addition I feel I have to know what happens next. And really, that Broadway show and some of the trippy stuff with Logan’s friends . . . what was that about? I have to just end this post now, abruptly, like Gilmore Girls did to us. I suppose I will start watching The Crown next.
What do the rest of you have to say?
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34 Responses
Pretty sure the stuff with Logan’s Fiancée is basically an arranged marriage that he has to do to keep his place in his family. So it’s not a love thing so much as a modern day union of two powerful houses thing. Still a lot of nonsense that he won’t just walk (and she won’t just tell him to walk), but my guess is the fiancee knows the score too and has her own thing back in France.
Hmmm, that would be a decent theory! I’d like to think she knows the score. But still . . . why does Rory want to be just the side thing for all these years. Was it years? I couldn’t tell.
Rory didn’t really believe he’d follow through with his marriage. When she asked him “are you really going to marry her?” And he said “that’s the plan”, I think she was shocked.
I think that’s a plausible read on the situation for sure.
That’s where I realised it was an arranged marriage. Otherwise he and Rory would be together. Also, when Logan’s dad seen them together on the restaurant and she gets really worried, I think it was also a sign.
And BTW, what happened with the CondeNaste meeting?!?
I’m guessing the CondeNaste meeting really led nowhere .
Yes, Logan chose his path when he left for London, at his fathers insistence, leaving Rory behind.
I agree it was more of a merger than a romance with the fiancé.
I totally agree with your comments on Emily! I had trouble with the idea that now that Richard was dead she could finally be herself, which is how it came off. I don’t think that was their intention at all. It just maybe needed to be executed a little better, though I don’t know how.
I’m glad you thought it came off that way, too. And glad you also don’t totally accept that.
I feel like it was a bit of a case of her needing to find her “new” self. Her identity was tied up in the things she and Richard did together, and I got the feeling she was sick of doing things that reminder her of him? I got the feeling in some ways they were a “power couple” – he did things with the men, she did things with the ladies, and they could make situations and people work out for them. And that was fun, and something they did together, even if the actual social situations were apart. So now that he was gone, she didn’t know what the point of her doing these things were.
That’s my take on the Emily thing anyway!
I love that interpretation of Emily’s scene at the club. Thank you!
The conversation Rory had with her dad about being an absent father whether it was his choice or Lorelei’s put the pregnancy in question. Will she leave Logan out and marry Jess? Or tell Logan?
Oh that is a good call regarding her conversation with her dad. I hadn’t thought that maybe she could have known she was pregnant. Don’t you think there has to be more episodes?
Ready for spinoff of Gilmore Girls the sequel. My guess is that none of the men who had previously been her life will be involved with Rory and baby.
Just like Lorelei, without the intergenerational anger this time.
I could see that! Lorelei’s and Emily’s storylines seemed resolved. So Rory it is.
Yes, this is what I think too! She asked him why he didn’t pursue Lorelei, and make himself a part of their life. I think she knew she was pregnant and was hoping that Logan (I’m pretty sure the father is Logan) will leave his life and come after her. She’s asking her dad these questions to see why he didn’t do it, and to see what her chances are that the father of her baby will do the same thing.
I’m so glad you wrote this post! As you know, I am new to the Gilmore Girls, but fell hard and fast this summer. Sit back, I have many thoughts/comments (sorry!). I’ve been dying to share, but the only other person in my real life who watches has not finished!
BTW, I watched all four seasons on Friday – blew off my fam while they went on the hunt for a Christmas tree. For real. This is bad – but I think they all wanted me to be done. For the record, I am not done. I need another four seasons!
I was never a big Dean fan, and hated how the whole deal with him and Rory went down, when they – you know. That’s why the Logan fiancé story-line shocked me. When Rory was in high school, I was team Jess (sadly, I always went for the bad boy). But once she met Logan, I was team Logan. And so, I’m conflicted. In season seven he asked her to marry him and broke away from his horrible family – and now, eight years later, he’s back in the fold and engaged to some heiress. I needed to know WHY. And I agree – he should have said “we belong together!” But I guess then there would be no need for MORE.
Loved the adult Jess. But do I really, or do I love Jack from This Is Us?
Who am I kidding? Love them both. And the way he looked at her through the window – swoon. BUT, she didn’t seem to have the same kind of feeling?!??!
Agreed – Luke was perfect. Wild wigged me out and big eye rolls (“Totes Y’all” – was Reese a producer?), but then I loved it. I was just so damned relieved that she went home. I was scared with all the therapy sessions that she was going to dump Luke. HATED the Broadway thing in the barn. Seriously, WTF? The only part I fast-forwarded though. I was scared that Lorelei was going to think she’d outgrown the town and LEAVE.
I always, always liked Christopher. I was very disappointed with his scene. Yes, he should have been feature more – like at the funeral? I mean Jason Stiles was there! “You need money kid?” Really? And “No one was coming between the two of you.” As I recall it, it was always referenced that Christopher wanted to marry Lorelei when she was first pregnant. And in fact, asked her many time over the seven seasons.
Loved everything about Paris.
Loved town meetings and the diner scenes, with the Wi-Fi password.
Loved Michel. Hated the Sookie story-line – and obviously her scene was slipped in after Melissa McCarthy finally agreed to appear (and what was up with THAT????).
I didn’t like the wondering of Rory either. She’s 32! And seemingly had a pretty damn good career.
I also didn’t understand all the backlash about season seven – and loved the ending. Although, April has always kind of bother me. Not her, just her existence:). That Rory-good-bye party in the rain, with the whole town, was perfect. My only beef that season was that Luke and Lorelei rarely appeared on screen together. It was like they were on two different shows.
Am I driving you crazy yet?
I adored the Life and Death Brigade Scenes. I don’t know why, I just did.
And I loved seeing Lane’s band back together.
Loved Kirk!
I was a little nervous about the maid and her family. I was sacred they were going to rob her blind. Honestly, it was kind of sad that Emily found her “home” with strangers who didn’t even speak English.
I love that Rory is going to write the Gilmore Girls – truly perfect! And Lorelei’s reticence was completely appropriate.
Loved L&L’s wedding. It was perfect (but yes, Emily should have been there – presuming she’d be at the “re-enactment.”)
As for the final four words – I was blown away. Didn’t see them coming. Glad they came when Rory was 32, not 23. And PPPPPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE give us MORE Gilmore Girls!!!!
This was so awesome, Allie! You should feel free to copy and paste into your own blog for goodness sake. 🙂
Best call though . . . YES, I think part of it is we do love Jack from This is Us. Milo is so much more buff than the high school years. It’s almost not the same person other than the voice. I saw a funny tweet that said they should rename the four shows “Gilmore Revival: All of Rory’s exes are hot.” or something like that. Even Dean!
So glad I wasn’t alone in the season seven acceptance.
Oh and I agree about April. I hardly remembered to mention her in my post.
I was going to come back and comment with all my thoughts, but Allie has said it all perfectly, so I’ll pretty much just leave it there. I will say that I think it was perfect that Rory was wandering. She had a successful career that had stalled – I think that’s very real and interesting that she had to grapple with that. Also, as much as I hated that she was the other women – I loved her and Logan together. They just had so much chemistry and charm. He totally got her and clearly, genuinely cared for her. I can’t remember if I was Team Logan at the time of the original series, but definitely Team Logan now.
And the pig – dear lord – the town got them a pig because they were thinking about having kids. Is there anything more perfect? I think not!
So happy to have your thoughts, Ilyse! So true about the Pig. Poor Kirk. (I think his crazy movie was kind of cool.)
Team Jess all the way! Always have been, still am. I wish they’d given him more screen time. Do love that he’s always the one to pull Rory back to stability and push her in the right direction.
I also thought the same about Rory’s weird travel thing in Winter! I kept thinking, it’s all very jarring with her going off and coming back so quickly. I also thought the Paul thing was annoying and very un-Gilmore Girls.
I loved Emily’s story arc, and how she evolved.
Luke’s speech was the best – classic Gilmore Girls.
Loved that Paris is still Paris.
Peter Krause’s cameo was awesome.
Didn’t like the steampunk Life and Death Brigade thing at all.
The pregnancy thing was like Whoa, and Hey Amy and Daniel, are you doing this GG again soon? Please?
Alison recently posted..11 Tips for Successfully Breastfeeding Twins
Yes such a good call on Peter Krauss! I didn’t realize (or remember) that he and Lauren Graham are together until my mother-in-law told me. So happy to have your thoughts here, Alison!
Ok- here are my thoughts:
-Yes the travel back and forth was exhausting to watch. I’m pretty sure that was the point. She is floating, homeless, Stars Hollow isn’t home anymore because she’s been gone too long and it’s different with Luke there- but Logan isn’t home either. So she goes back and forth hoping one will stick. Also- who’s paying for all this travel? I dislike that because she’s not hugely successful at age 32 she sees herself as a failure. She’s too all or nothing for me. Always has been.
-All Richard and Emily stuff was brilliant. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Kelly Bishop was the best part of that entire thing. In no way do I believe Emily did the society thing for Richard alone. It was the expectation both of them grew up with and neither ever considered another way of life. Those cracks started during the run of the show. When Richard had his 2nd heart attack and Emily realized that a) she didn’t know how their finances worked and b) that Lorelei did. Also when Richard wants ‘more’ for Rory- wants her to go back to Yale. Why is this life ok for his wife but not his granddaughter? I cried a lot during Emily and Richard scenes. A lot. I think because I lost my father in law since GG ended and I’ve watched my mother in law’s grief, but I’ve also seen her do things she never would have done before. It’s always bittersweet.
-The Paul story line was perfect Rory. This is how she treated Dean until things with Jess happened. This is how she treated Marty until things with Logan happened. She doesn’t end a relationship until she’s found a new one- even once she realizes it’s not working. Not only did she cheat on him with Logan for presumably their entire relationship- she had a one night stand with the Wookie and shows no remorse for Paul. It bothered me that Lorelei was so upset with Rory about the Dean story line- but accepted hearing about her current situation with Logan casually.
-Michel was amazing. I had never actually been a big Michel fan, but now I’m on board. Yay for giving him his truth.
-The Broadway show was too long. I kept waiting for some reference to the Twikham house diorama- but it never happened.
-Logan……..now I’ve never been team Logan. He is her Christopher for sure. And he brought her into the world of money that her mother always tried to keep her away from. I think it was casually mentioned that his engagement was a pre-arranged dynasty type thing and I think Logan fully expected his relationship with Rory to continue after his marriage– I think his father was fine with that too. The reason they can never been together (even though they both love each other) is identical to Christopher and Lorelei– Logan will never be ok with totally walking away from all his money and privilege and Rory will never ask him to.
-I don’t know how I feel about Rory. I’ll have to re-watch and sit with it more.
– I disliked the Paris storyline- mostly her career. I wanted more for Paris. She didn’t seem to love the work. She didn’t seem to care. She grew up with money- but she didn’t seem to need it they way other characters did. I find it hard to believe she’d go into a career for money. Power, and respect yet- but not solely for money. It just felt like an story line to bring the character back into the world- but clearly Rory and Paris are still close. The relationship with Doyle and the children seemed real– but Paris worked so hard for everything she had in school.
-I am fine with the small amounts of Christopher and Dean. Those felt more genuine and less forces than some of the other cameos.
-Luke was wonderful. The wedding was wonderful. Jess was wonderful (I’ve always been either team Jess or team someone totally new). I was worried they were going to end Luke and Lorelei- but then I realized- ASP had to get us back to where they were at the end of season six to finish their story. Luke’s speech was so wonderful and it’s what was missing from season 7 for me.
-I was ok with the Sookie storyline because I”m familiar with Blue Hills Farm and that is absolutely something that she and Jackson would do. They were always the most grown up mature couple in Stars Hollow (rivaled only by Richard and Emily). It’s not ideal- and we know that a big part of it was because Melissa’s career made it difficult– but I thought it was an ok reason for them to have moved.
– My biggest problem was the fat shaming in the Summer episode. Totally not necessary and just plain mean. One of the reasons I loved this show so much since it’s first season was that Sookie’s weight was never a part of her character identity. She was bigger and smaller at various points and no one ever commented on it. It didn’t stop her career or her love life or her friendships.
Orit! This is such an excellent commentary. I knew you would have profound points to share.
Yep, I hear you on that travel back and forth and as a viewer perhaps it was meant to feel as disjointed as Rory feels.
Question . . . do you think the Wookie could be the father? You gave me more to think about re: Paris. You’re right, I would want her to be more happy with her career, too, especially given that Doyle didn’t work out. And the kids seem to exasperate her too.
Very good point on the fat shaming. Seemed really odd and off.
This post and these comments are amazing, Nina! I totally thought the Wookie was the father and Jess was going to man up and take over! But reading the below, now I’m not so sure (and I’m riveted by the thought of it being a surrogate sitch via Paris)!!
I have way too much to say. I totally bailed on a party just to binge watch all four episodes the day they came out!
Loved all of the comments on Richard and Emily. How long will they make us wait for the follow-up?!?
P.S. – Team Jess 4-evah (except when I’m not Team Logan).
Except when I AM Team Logan, that is. Derp.
I can’t totally give up on Logan either. No shame there. AND, HI JULES! So happy to see you here!
no, I don’t think the Wookie is the father–it would negate some of the importance of her talk with Christopher. The one night stand storyline is a reminder of how different Rory’s lovelife is from Lorelei’s. This is the 2nd time Rory’s tried to be ok with a casual relationship with Logan, something Lorelei would never do.
Re: Orit above. I totally forgot about Rory’s one night stand. SO now I don’t know who the father is, and I just think this is more evidence that there will be more episodes in the future. And I think in the end, maybe the writers will steer Rory toward Jess because that longing look was for a reason.
I definitely wanted so much more of it to go deeper. Like at least a little more about the fiancee, as you said, and the connection with Rory and Jess needed to not be THAT avoided. And with Sookie, yes, please. Not realistic whatsoever. I love the fairy tale quirky nature of the show, it needs to be a bit over the top, but so much of it was a waste of time. I still love it. That’s the thing about that show. So much to love, it can’t be entirely wrecked by anything 🙂
And someone else brought up the idea on a podcast (Gilmore Guys) that maybe Rory decided to be a surrogate. Though that would have required many appointments. Totally agree on your analysis here, Heather!
Sookie being gone also helped added to Lorelei’s listlessness and need to change/grow the Dragonfly. Helped push her to ‘go wild’. When that big company wanted to buy the Dragonfly in season 6 Lorelei explained that most of what she’s done with her life was out of necessity- to raise Rory independent of her parents. She didn’t know what she wanted for herself because since age 16 on she wasn’t able to dream for just herself. Does she still want the Dragonfly without Sookie and Michel? She does, and her being to ask her mother for money for something specifically for herself; something her father would have been so proud to see her do, shows how much she and her mother have grown.
As for the father- the Wookie happened in the Spring- so if the Wookie was the father she would be 4 or 5 months pregnant when the announcement came– and I just can’t conceive she would have been able to keep that secret that long.
Thx for the breakdown. I’ll try to recap quickly (it feels good to finally share this with others who have seen it):
Rory – as annoying as it was to see her flailing, it was realistic (I tend to work with these disillusioned college students after life has kicked them around a bit); I was disappointed that she ended up pregnant after all that her mother did to make sure she had a better life (I definitely believe Logan is the father)
I also didn’t think her having money problems was realistic 1. You know Richard left her money 2. Her grandmother is rich 3. Her dad is rich 4. Her boyfriend is rich 5. Luke also has money, and would never let Rory struggle
Logan- I’ve always loved Logan; they get each other, and I almost think their arrangement was Rory’s idea to keep things from getting too serious (he did propose to her after all)
Jess – not a fan; he was a jerk to Rory, treated Luke and Lorelai like crap (I still remember fondly when he got sucker punched by a swan)- his only redeeming qualities are that he is a reader and he can give Rory reality checks when she needs them
Dean – was a sweetheart and I am glad he is happy with his wife and kids
Paul – definitely deserved better (who keeps forgetting to break up with someone – didn’t like this storyline for Rory at all)
Emily and Lorelai – loved both of their character arcs during this series (although I found some of the parts involving her maid and her family to be racially insensitive)
Paris – pretty much perfect; even the fact that she ended up on the fringes of the medical profession (she couldn’t stand being around sick people or blood, so there was no way she was going to be a doctor)
Loved- Lorelai’s wedding, the scenes with the Life and Death Brigade, and some of Kirk’s scenes
Could have passed on – the looong musical, pool scenes
Verdict – definitely need more episodes
Cindy! I was so excited to see you here. What a fabulous break down of the elements that stood out. VERY good point especially about the money issue being unrealistic, especially considering Christopher and I don’t remember them leaving things on a bad note between those two in season 7. And also astute that perhaps Rory created that arrangement with Logan. (considering the engagement from season 7). Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
This was fun – thanks for starting this thread! Now I want to read Lauren Graham’s biography – it is supposed to have a lot of details about Gilmore Girls.