Unintentionally Hurting a Friend

When you’ve hurt your friend’s feelings or a friend has hurt you

So, you’ve unintentionally hurt your friend’s feelings. Or, your friend hurt your feelings, likely not on purpose. My wise mom joins me in this replay episode about forgiveness—asking for forgiveness and wanting apologies from others. We also discussed grudges, forgiving but not forgetting, personal stories of our own pettiness and others’ pettiness, and more.

FIND EPISODE #113 on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere else you get your podcasts. 


Links from the episode:

The 20 questions Bryan uses for self-reflection around Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 

The article I wrote for Kveller in 2014, “Waiting For an Apology That Will Never Come”

The article I wrote for The Jewish Daily Forward in 2013, “The Benefit of the Doubt for the New Year”

If you want the challah recipe I use all the time and wrote about in this essay at On Being, email me at ninabadzinblog@gmail.com. I will send you the pdf version.

Other episodes featuring my mom: 

Two quotes by Maggie Smith in her book, Keep Moving

“Maybe we say ‘holding a grudge’ because that kind of resentment is a heavy thing you have to wrap your arms around to carry. Holding it weighs you down, not the other person. Set it down anytime. Right now, for instance. Keep moving.”

“Expect that what you tend to will grow. Expect that what you feed with your care and attention, what you shine your light on, will thrive. Choose wisely. Keep moving.”

Quote from my mom on grudges:

“Well, you’ve heard this before. People say that holding a grudge weighs you down, not the other person. So that’s how forgiveness is tied into grudge holding. If you can forgive somebody and keep moving forward, it’s much better for you psychologically.


All transcripts are available on the main Buzzsprout “Dear Nina” site. Click on any episode and find the transcript tab.

Let’s connect over all things friendship! 


If you like what you’re hearing,  please tell a friend!
Also, if you can 
rate and/or leave a review on Apple Podcasts, I’d be so grateful.

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Nina Badzin hosts the podcast Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship. She's been writing about friendship since 2014, co-leads the writing groups at ModernWell in Minneapolis, and reviews 30+ books a year on her website.

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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Hi, I'm Nina

DEAR NINA: Conversations About Friendship is a podcast and newsletter about the ups and downs of adult friendship. I’m the host, Nina Badzin, a Minneapolis-based writer who accepted a position as a friendship advice columnist in 2014 and never stopped. DEAR NINA, the podcast, started in 2021, and has been referenced in The Wall Street JournalThe Washington PostTime Magazine, The GuardianThe Chicago TribuneThe Minneapolis Star Tribune, and elsewhere

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