My guest appearances on other podcasts
Thanks to Estelle Erasmus of The Freelance Writing Direct Podcast for inviting me on to talk about landing in a specific niche for my writing and podcasting. If you follow me, you know it’s all friendship all the time, but it wasn’t always that way. (I’m glad it is now. The writing life was chaotic for me before this switch.) And if you’re looking to get published in more places, Estelle is your number one source. She knows everything there is to know about the publishing business, writing, and editing.
Midlife friendships come with their own complications. Andrea Hecht and I dissected all the issues in The Next ChaptHER Podcast.
Thank you to Dr. Emily Matheson, who specializing in advice for people moving to a new town for having me on New York Transplants in episode #10. We talked about my move to Minneapolis 25 years ago, and much more.
I spoke to Dr. Adam Dorsay in episode #247 of the SuperPsyched Podcast about many elements of adult friendship, especially taking control of your social life and of your feelings about your current friendships.
Honored to be a guest on Found Family with MaryB. Safrit about some of my favorite friendship topics, including friends who never initiate for plans.
The one and only Meghan Judge is authentic, deep, and not here for any skirting of the truth. I loved talking to her on Judging Meghan!
It was so much fun to give my 40s advice to a 20s/30s audience! Thanks to Lisa Giordano of the Surthriving Podcast for having me!
I love being a guest on other shows! I enjoyed a nuanced and lively conversation with Marnie Marmet and Stephanie Potter of The Art of Living Well Podcast about making new friends, taking a connection from acquaintance to friend, balancing new friendships with current friendships, and handling disappointment and rejection in the process of it all.
Confronting and forgiving friends was the topic of my guest spot on the We’re Not Fine Podcast with renowned relationship experts Dr. Talia Jackson and Doug Jensen. I became comfortable quickly and we dug into common problems I hear often.
Episode 89: “Your friend hurt you, is your friendship salvageable or do you need to move on?”
I was honored to speak with Danielle Bayard Jackson on Friend Forward about which friends to prioritize and pursue.
In 48 minutes, Hallie Sawyer, of The Awed Life, and I covered tons of aspects of midlife friendships. I loved this conversation!
It’s a crossover episode! Listen to the ladies of The Pop Culture Preservation Society tell me about becoming such close friends through my writing class in their 50s.
On Who I Met Today, Pam Lamp and I spoke about tons of practical ideas for making friends in midlife and beyond.
On Happiness Through Hardship, Caryn Sullivan and I discussed so many aspects of friendship, including friendship as a choice you have to keep making.
Andrea Scher and I had a wonderful conversation about many aspects of adult friendship on The School of Wonder.
I loved being back on She’s Got Issues. Jill and I discussed friendship mistakes and hard lessons learned.
Thank you to Rachel Levy Lesser and Stephanie Goldstein for inviting me on Life’s Accessories, The Podcast to talk about the BIG mistake I made quitting the tennis team in high school, how a little bit of good old-fashioned friendship jealousy got me back into tennis, and why I love tennis people so much.
I had my first live podcasting experience as a guest on Every Soul Has a Story LIVE. Dara Levan invited me for a conversation about the nuances of boundaries within friendships both on and offline, giving friends the opportunity to change, and reaching out to friends. We talked about being in charge of your own social life and teaching kids to do the same, the cliques that exist on social media, and more.
Did you love the movie Steel Magnolias in the 80s/early 90s? I did, but rewatching it recently brought up some thoughts I never would have had as a kid when I watched it MANY times.
You may know Jill as the founder of Scary Mommy, a blog that changed the internet and influenced more women to write honestly about their parenting lives. Jill published a few of my earliest essays on Scary Mommy and I’m forever grateful.
Jill knows how to cut to the good stuff, so it’s no surprise that on this episode, Jill got us right into a more personal conversation about friendships, specifically the endings of friendships and the heartbreak of it all.
Thanks to Christy from Forties Stories for having me on episode 6 to talk about some strong opinions on friendship, aging, and more.
I loved being a guest on Hyperbole. Episode #30: “The Best Nook Ever. Minute 18:55