Throughout the year I like to keep track of the books I read and include pithy reviews. The benefit of doing this is that when a friend asks for a recommendation, I can glance at the pithy review page and remember why I liked a book. I may finish a book or two before the end of the year, but since I’m a bit over my goal of fifty, I think I’ll let myself reread some David Sedaris and Nora Ephron for fun. (I keep track of movies as well by the way! I only saw 11 and at least a third were on Lifetime. Kind of sad for a movie lover like me.)
I hope you enjoy the list. Let me know what some of your favorites were in 2013! And Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!
Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple
The whole time I was reading this book I kept thinking “This is such a strange book.” But I definitely enjoyed reading it because of its strangeness. I really liked that the story is told in letters, emails, and other documents from a variety of characters. That Semple pulled the entire plot together in this way was really impressive. The character of Bernadette with her disregard for what most people think combined with her worry over that attitude made her more realistic than the typical quirky character in novels.
Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter
Beautiful Ruins is a gorgeous epic novel that goes back in forth between 1962 Italy and modern day America. I loved the way Walters weaved seemingly random characters and story lines into a cohesive and moving story. I hate ruining the plot of a book so I won’t say more. Just trust me that Beautiful Ruins is a brilliantly told story with exceptional writing.
The Silver Star by Jeanette Walls
I remember staying up an entire night to finish The Glass Castle, the unforgettable memoir by Jeanette Walls. I read her new novel, The Silver Star, in two nights. I was drawn in by the voice of the narrator, Bean, and by Walls’ continued theme of irresponsible adults who create children who are wise beyond their years. About 2/3 into the story, I was less enthralled with the plot than I had been up to that point. I don’t want to give details because it would ruin the story, which I still think is worth a read. I especially enjoyed the tone and both the overt and indirect nods to To Kill a Mockingbird throughout the book.
Still Writing by Dani Shapiro
This book did not disappoint. I loved Shapiro’s insight on all aspects of writing. My full review is at
Carry on Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Doyle Melton
I really enjoyedthis book and seem to be the only blogger who didn’t know about Glennon before reading it. I appreciated her writing style and her honesty. I didn’t even mind all the church talk.
The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer
Really loved it. My full review is at
Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris
This is Sedaris’s newest collection of essays. It’s amazing how he can make something out of nothing (in terms of subject matter). I was particularly interested in his essay “Day In, Day Out” in which he described his meticulous process of writing in a journal every morning about the little details of his observations from the previous day or in general.
The First Affair by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
I raced though this book (by the authors of The Nanny Diaries) in two nights. It was definitely not the kind of book I’ve been reading the past few year. I was due for a fun, racy read. The story is loosely based on the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Not gonna lie to you, the racy parts were for sure my favorites. And I might have read those sections twice. Also want to acknowledge that I made all of my friends read this and nobody liked it as much as I did. Not sure what that says about me. Or about them.
A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams
The plot picks up more and more and this lovely historical novel becomes quite a page turner. I’m not saying more about the storyline because so much depends on not knowing certain elements until they become clear in the book. I can say that this book has romance, friendship gone wrong, jealousy, and much family drama. It’s a good one! I highly recommend it.
Me Before You by JoJo Moyes
This one seems like a light book at first when Moyes gives us a heroine with the typical plight. Louisa “Lou” is a woman down on her luck. She has no money; she lives with her parents who also need money; and she’s been stuck in a going-nowhere relationship as well. Once she loses the food service job she should have left years earlier, she accepts a position as an aid to an extremely wealthy man who is a quadriplegic. Will and Lou instantly dislike each other, but over time their working relationship gets more complicated. The character development is incredibly well crafted and the plot, which you might think will be predictable even based on this short summary, is actually quite surprising. It kept me up through the night.
One Last Thing Before I Go by Jonathan Tropper
Very standard Tropper. Love the dialogue and the voice of his prose. The story wasn’t particularly compelling, but I liked the characters and generally enjoyed the book. My favorite of his is still This is Where I Leave You.
The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty
This book has had tons of coverage–at least on Twitter and among book bloggers. At first I was feeling doubtful that it deserved so much hype. But at the end, I was really impressed with how it all came together.
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49 Responses
I’ve had the Sadaris book on my radar but really didn’t know what it was about. I really want to read it now. Carry On Warrior is new to me but sounds exactly like a book I’d savor. Love adding to my reading list– thank you!
People are were really into Glennon’s blog felt they knew a lot of what what is in Carry on Warrior already. But since I’d never read her work before, I really devoured it.
Hope you had a great Christmas, Julie.
Oh my! I’ve only read three of those. More to add to my reading list—thanks!
Kerry Ann Morgan recently posted..Cranberry Orange Quick Bread
HerStories is on my list..
I only read “The Silver Star” from this list. Which is lame, on my part. Honestly I wasn’t thrilled with it. I was instantly drawn in but by the end I didn’t enjoy the way she talked so..normally..about death and destruction and mental illness. I realize that’s probably a gift of the writer’s – to be able to tell tales of kids growing up too soon..
Maybe I’ll have to read another book of hers.
I’m enjoying your list, though!! Heading to my library…
Tamara recently posted..I’m Only Sad That It’s Ending Too Soon.
I agree on some of you assessment of The Silver Star. I almost hesitated on adding it, but when I’m compelled to finish a book quickly, I have to give it props. I know it’s weird to say this now, but my 2012 list was a little more stellar. I had to grasp a bit for a “Best of” this year. Not sure why!
I’ve been waiting for your list! I’ve read quite a few of these, but happily I found a few that I haven’t read. It’s funny that I had similar thoughts about The Silver Star and The Husband’s Secret. Honestly, I wasn’t as impressed with either as I thought I would be. And thanks for the shout out to HerStories!
Jessica Smock recently posted..A New Year’s Reading Resolution: Why I Read and What I Want To Read
Can’t wait to hear about YOUR favorites of 2013.
I just finished THE HUSBAND’S SECRET; I was doubtful, too, until the varying plot lines started pulling me right in! I also loved WHERE’D YOU GO, BERNADETTE? Especially that scene where she’s sleeping in the drugstore!
Jolina Petersheim recently posted..The Patroller of Our Dirt Road
I’ve had The Silver Star on my list, but your post encourages me to make sure I get it read in 2014! I’m a fan of The Glass Castle, but especially loved Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls.
I’m going to put several of these books on my list for next year. But I was not at all a fan of Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple. I don’t mind one or two quirky characters, but I need someone in the story who feels real.
My favorites this year: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Hands down favorite of the year. Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby. (Love his writing!) And Crossing the Borders of Time: A True Story of War, Exile, and Love Reclaimed: Leslie Maitland. I’ve been fortunate to have the author attend two book clubs to discuss her amazing book written about her mother’s life.
Happy Readin in 2014!
I can’t say that Silver Star was my #1 or anything so I’m nervous to push you too much. It was good though. I LOVED Gone Girl last year and I’m generally a Nick Hornby fan too!
Awesome! I love me some book lists. I added several of these titles to my to-read list 🙂
Nina recently posted..So You’re Having Twins. Now Here’s What You Do:
Nina, I really like your pithy reviews- and your more meaty ones too. I very much enjoyed The Interestings, though it made me rather sad. Perhaps the most surprisingly enjoyed book for me this year was Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.
I have several books to add to my to-read list now, thanks for the recommendations!
Marialena recently posted..On mirror neurons and Schrödinger’s cat: writing as exploration
I’ve read seven of the books you listed, and I felt the same way about all of them but one (I wasn’t a huge Interestings fan). So now I’m adding the other books to my list – thanks Nina!
Dana recently posted..The classiness that is my family
The Interestings got mixed reviews from friends and family. Some loved it. Others couldn’t get past the first 50 pages. I think I might have been more impressed by it then swept away by the story.
Figured a guy could chime in too…just finished A House in the Sky, a memoir about one woman’s harrowing experience after being kidnapped in Somalia, actually quite well written. Totally with you about Me Before You; both my wife and I loved it and everyone with whom I’ve recommended it to. May be last year’s but John Green’s The Fault in our Stars is exceptional; a teen writer but very much an adult read. Thanks as always, Nina!
So happy to have a guy chime in. They aren’t enough of you buying books (according to studies, etc.). I agree that Me Before You seems to be this year’s Fault. Everyone has read it. Also WONDER, which is sitting on my nightstand. Wonder is middle grade–not even young adult, but everyone has loved it, and I see it mentioned everywhere.
Thanks for leaving your thoughts here!
Both Shira and I also read Wonder. I liked it — particularly the story as told from multiple viewpoints. Give it a go!
Haha, love what you say about THE FIRST AFFAIR. Sometimes I am in the mood for a racy book, and the political angle seems interesting. I hadn’t heard of it before, so I will have to keep it in mind!
molly @ wrapped up in books recently posted..Passive Reader’s Advisory for Teens in the Library
Molly, some of the racy ones I read this week were too racy to even name. I’d be too embarrassed for anyone to look up the summaries on Amazon!
I love seeing what you’ve read (and am blown away — AWAY — that you can read 50+ books in a year. I surpassed my 25 and thought THAT was good. In fact, the last book I read tops my list this year: Burial Rites. Oh my. Such a great literary read that will have me thinking about it for months to come. Also love The Snow Child, The Round House, The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving — and too many more to count. (I won The Husband’s Secret and am looking forward to reading!)
Happy holidays and happy reading in 2014.
Melissa Crytzer Fry recently posted..A Christmas Story
Glad to know about Burial Rites. And everyone has loved Snow Child. I clearly have to read it!
I really loved The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. I was surprised after I finished it to learn that it would be found in the scifi/fantasy section of a bookstore; that is a section I tend to avoid. I say I was surprised because I read it as simply a great story of “people” facing life’s challenges. I guess what makes it fantasy is that the main characters are not people, but mythical creatures. Still, they’re incredibly humanized by the way they are written, and I was sad to say goodbye to the book when I finished it.
Betsy, I remember reading such great reviews of that one earlier this year and then somehow it fell off my last. Glad to hear you loved it. I will add it back!
Now I want to read every book here, Nina. Except the two I’ve already read: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? and The Silver Star. And I agree with everything you said about both of them.
I’ve never read Tropper but I picked up This is Where I Leave You at the thrift store this year. I keep hearing good things about him. Maybe I need to move it up on my priority list.
Shana Norris recently posted..Twitterature :: December 2013
I have to warn you that the first part of This is Where I Leave You is unnecessarily graphic about the main character’s wife’s affair, but once you get past that, the story is original and the dialogue is so good. It was for sure my favorite of his books.
Me Before You is not my typical read these days, though it is exactly the kind of book I would pick up in my 20’s. So imagine my surprise when I could. not. stop. reading. I finished it the same day I bought it, reading until 2am.
I just bought One Last Thing Before I Go, and can’t wait to dive in!
I’ve been wavering on Where’d You Go Bernadette, but I think you’ve swayed me towards “to read”!
Alison recently posted..Happy Holidays!
Alison, I’m sure what your more typical read is these days! You know–since we sometimes share the same brain. 😉
I absolutely loved Where’d You Go Bernadette, and I actually just finished The Interestings last night, so I’m headed over to read your review right now. I keep track of all my books too. It’s so fun to look back at the end of the year and remember what I read.
Samantha Brinn Merel recently posted..An Ode To Sisters
What did you think of The Interestings? I know it’s been hit or miss for people.
I liked it a lot, right up until the last 50 or so pages. I was really, really disappointed with the ending. Not sure exactly what I wanted it to be, but ddefinitely not the way it was.
Samantha Brinn Merel recently posted..Let The Celebration Begin…
I hear you! It’s funny— I think that about most endings. I’m always disappointed and like you said–I’m not sure what I’m expecting to happen that isn’t happening. I’ve had a handful of short stories published, and for each one of written the ending is always the hardest, so I can only imagine how hard it is to end a novel.
Fun talking books tonight! By the way, your essay in HerStories was a favorite for many of my friends. Been meaning to tell you!
Books make the best gifts. Thanks for the suggestions. I read Jonathan Tropper’s last book “This Is Where I Leave You” but hadn’t heard about the latest. I’ll add it to the list.
I haven’t been able to get to Dani Shapiro’s book yet, but everyone has wonderful reviews.
Jackie Cangro recently posted..The One with the Goddess Pele
Jackie, Dani’s book is a must for a writer. I think you’ll really like it. Have you read her memoirs? I recommend those too.
I admire you for finding the time to read so much! I used to read so much more before blogging (how do you do this?). I’m not familiar with a lot of the authors you’ve mentioned and I’ll be looking forward to exploring them. I’ve actually met Glennon at a blogging conference in Toronto back in October. I didn’t know her blog all that well either, but her personality is so captivating! I’m sure the book reflects that.
Katia recently posted..The Tradition of Not Celebrating Christmas
My only and best trick for reading: I do NOT bring my phone or computer in the bedroom. It’s the only way to read books and not just screens. That’s my tip!
Thanks for the additions to my must-read shelf! I already have the HerStories Project, and am enjoying it!
Rivki Silver recently posted..Three Songs Not At All Related to This Time of Year (but that you might like anyways)
Thanks so much for reading the book, Rivki!
Nina, I’ve read all but two of those books. Greta list. I LOVED BR, 100 Summers & Me Before You. I’m working on my list now, but trying to squeeze in a couple more books before the New Year (and reach the milestone of 100 books!).
Allie recently posted..Who’s Your Hero?
Can’t wait to see your list!
You know I adore a good book list!! I have read about half of the books on this list so I am excited to add to my huge to be read pile!! I loved Me Before You, The Interestings and Where’d You Go Bernadette. I really have been wanting to read The Husband’s Secret and now I also think I will add the First Affair to my list. I have just started watching Scandal so I think this might right up my alley!
Stacey recently posted..Better Late Than Never?
I’m obsessed with Scandal. I could have read four books in the HOURS I spent watching every single episode from season one to now in about two weeks. I was a woman possessed.
Beautiful Ruins and The Silver Star are on my nightstand waiting to be read. Love your recommendations!
I can’t believe I haven’t read a single one! Except I am redeemed because I am currently reading Her Stories. 🙂
Lady Jennie recently posted..Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Totally redeemed!
I need some new books so I’m happy I found your list today.
Happy New Year, Nina!
Stacey recently posted..Silent Sunday #5
I came to read your birthday post and had to stick around for this one. Great picks, as always. Also, happy belated birthday!
Jean recently posted..Now I own a sewing machine