Friday Finds: Texts With My Husband


I had a recent text exchange with my husband, Bryan, that was so typical “Bryan” it felt worth sharing. Bryan is often a central voice on my blog, even if it is behind the scenes. He thinks through every decision very carefully, which is why when I’m uncertain about a blog post, a turn of phrase, or an off-the-screen question in my life, Bryan is the first person I ask. I may not always agree with his advice, but I at least know he will think through the issue with precision, and he always takes action and encourages me to do the same.

Take, for example, his years-long search for the perfect coffee tumbler and his insistence that we stock up in case the company ever stops making them. (He also recently did this with the pillow he likes. We have six sitting in our storage room right now. “So they will last the rest of my life,” Bryan said when I stood aghast in front of the boxes dropped off by UPS last month.) Anyway, as I was about to place an order on Amazon, I remembered he asked me to get some extra tumblers to have around “just in case.” Here was our text exchange. It’s typical. The tumblers arrived today.

some texts with bryan

Bryan has been featured in plenty of other posts on this blog, and he really is a “character” in real life, too. Readers’ favorites have been “Help My Husband Name Our Baby” and “Writing Advice From My Husband.”


I had SO MUCH fun doing this show with Jordana Green on local CBS radio! I’m so grateful to Jessica and Stephanie at HerStories for giving me this column and allowing me to just run with it. And I’m grateful that Jordana enjoys it and wanted me to bring it to her show. The live streaming wasn’t working during the broadcast, but hopefully that will be fixed for next time.


Speaking of Bryan, he has watched this video several times and forwarded it to all of his friends. (Thank you Jill from Scary Mommy for posting it in the first place!) I always get flummoxed by the way the fall forward/spring back situation wrecks havoc with everything. This short video is a REALLY well done fake movie trailer pretending to promote a movie based on daylight saving. I can’t do it justice at all here. Just watch it. I cried from laughing so hard. And Bryan felt relieved to know that other people’s family members get confused by daylight saving time, too.

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Nina Badzin hosts the podcast Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship. She's been writing about friendship since 2014, co-leads the writing groups at ModernWell in Minneapolis, and reviews 30+ books a year on her website.

41 Responses

  1. The texts are so great. I think I might have to steal this is an idea–I think spousal texts are one of the best sources of comedy. And now I know where to go if the apocalypse happens and I need a nap and something to keep my coffee warm! So great. Also great? Your radio voice!!! I loved listening to the show (listened the AM after).
    Kristen recently posted..What We Can’t Do When We Become MothersMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much for listening, Kristen! That is so above and beyond, and I really appreciate it. And yeah, we’re all set here for sleeping and coffee tumblers. Funny thing is I am SO not someone who stores things. I keep nothing—NOTHING. It’s true love that I’m letting him keep those pillows!

  2. Nina! What a smorgasbord of yummy reading this morning. I have to say: 1) You are a NATURAL on air. I think you’ve found your calling, Dear Abby — or Ann Landers (whomever you want to be!). And 2) the Daylight Saving Time video CRACKED me up (esp. living in Arizona and lamenting the three-hour difference with my east-coast family once a year/and celebrating when we go back to TWO hours difference).

    Great stuff here. Off to see what you’ve been reading and what your thoughts are! Have a great weekend.
    Melissa Crytzer Fry recently posted..Sights ‘n SnapsMy Profile

      1. Thank you so much, Melissa! I didn’t even think about Arizona not changing would be so confusing for you guys to remember the new time differences with the rest of the country. OY!! That might be worse than actually changing the clocks. ARG!!

  3. Gilmore Girls reunion?!? Netflix has just put the entire series on streaming so I’ve been OD’ing on old episodes. As if I need to see them again when I’ve probably seen every episode twice already.

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who has spent years searching for the perfect coffee tumbler. I find the problem is keeping the coffee hot. Has Bryan put this one through its paces yet?

    Thanks for mentioning that the streaming function for the radio program wasn’t working properly. (I thought I was doing something wrong.) I ended up listening to the podcast, which worked out just fine.
    Jackie Cangro recently posted..The One with the Books of My LifeMy Profile

    1. I like this one, but I don’t think it keeps the coffee as hot as one I had years ago and have never seen again. See, I tease Bryan but I should have bought 8 of those!

      And I’m still so grateful that you had tried to listen to the show live AND that you made the effort to hear it later on the podcast. Thank you!

  4. Hillarious the texts about your hubby. If only I had half his witt, I would drive my family less crazy on the regular lol. THNX also for the reading suggestions. Katie Jo

    1. That is so true. Logan was terrible during some episodes, but of all her guys, he had the best personality and I liked their banter. Hate when she reunited briefly with Dean. #Awkward

  5. That video was hilarious – thanks for sharing! And I may just have to try that coffee tumbler. I’m surprised you linked to it – what if they are all sold out forever? Oh yeah, you’re covered. I hope you bought 8.
    Dana recently posted..Of Dadvice and ugly shirtsMy Profile

  6. I’m cautiously optimistic about Gilmore Girls and Dawson’s Creek.
    My friend made me watch the Daylight Savings movie and it was so much better than I thought! It got better and better.
    And as for Bryan.. I’m actually just like that. I do that with cosmetics and toys my kids love.
    My son has a favorite lamb and I have SIX backups for it! I’m sick!
    Tamara recently posted..There is a Third.My Profile

  7. Hahaha! I love the subtle threat in Bryan’s text about the coffee tumblers. Your husband has a great, dry sense of humor! 🙂
    Your reading list is so different from mine, Nina – I like that. It’s nice to see some different reading suggestions. And I love that you are honest about what you think of them.
    Wow, it’s so weird to hear your voice, after *knowing* you for so long. Good job on the interview!
    Cynthia Robertson recently posted..The House We Grew Up In – a reviewMy Profile

  8. I’m cracking up at the stockpile of pillows in your storage space. Very practical. I think our husbands would get along well!

    Thank you for including your reading list. My current method of picking a book is running into the library and picking four or five books from the recommended book table (amazing feature at our library, I must say), and it can get a little hit or miss. I’ll reserve some of the books from your list that way I can run in and grab them from the reserved shelves. We have some overlap, and I *just* finished the Rosie Project today!
    Rivki Silver recently posted..the Best Pregnancy-Related Purchase Ever, plus Round Three of Orthodox Women TalkMy Profile

    1. Exactly. And I loved Felicity and have seen every episode several times each. When it replayed on the We channel for a few years it’s basically all I watched. And I watched it originally, too. Poor Noel.

  9. “They call it Arizona…” bahahahaha!
    Love it. And I love that you know it’s Daylight Saving not Daylight Savings.

    Smart girl.

    p.s. My 15-year-old daughter and I just watched the first season of Gilmore Girls together on NetFlix. One of the perks of your kids getting older is enjoying shows together that they were too young for the first time around. Fingers crossed for a reunion!
    julie gardner recently posted..The Heavy BagMy Profile

  10. Wow, Bryan takes forward planning to a new level. The only time I’ve ever regretted not stocking up on extras with certain clothes items. Like pants, now that the only thing I can find anywhere on earth are skinny legs, which I loathe wearing. I’m off now to catch up on some Nina Badzin reading 🙂
    Alarna Rose Gray recently posted..The Domino Effect – Part 1My Profile

  11. I love Bryan! I can’t believe no one has asked for the link to the pillows yet. Please…I have a serious pillow obsession. His stock-piling with your minimalism crack me up. And Dawson’s…I can’t even let myself think about it for fear of serious let down!

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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