So many of us make time to exercise our bodies, but what about our minds? We’ll invest in classes at a yoga studio or join a gym. But if you’re passionate about writing (even if you’ve never made time in the past) wouldn’t it be cool to join a small community dedicated to establishing a writing practice and improving your craft?
Welcome to the Twin Cities Writing Studio.
Along with author and blogger (and my good friend), Julie Burton, I am excited to announce the inaugural session of the Twin Cities Writing Studio. Come play with us on the page, face-to-face. As much as I value my online communities from classes I’ve taken online and the many private Facebook pages I’m a member of where we discuss the writing world, there is something priceless about spending time with other writers in person.
I’d love to write with you! Details are below.
TWIN CITIES WRITING STUDIO—express, explore, create
Whether you’re an established writer looking to connect with other Twin Cities writers, or you feel inspired to put pen to paper for the first time, we welcome you!
WHAT WE ARE: TCWS is a safe, confidential, and supportive community led by Julie Burton and Nina Badzin, experienced writers, bloggers, and teachers. Group members will have the opportunity to freewrite, share writing, receive constructive feedback from group members and group facilitators.
- Establish, maintain, or improve your writing practice.
- Find inspiration and motivation from others.
- Finish writing pieces that you have been working on for years, begin something new, generate ideas that will keep you writing long after the fall session ends. Workshop any piece of writing from speeches to essays to persuasive emails.
- Learn about blogging, magazine article writing, book writing, and publishing.
WHEN: 10-week session runs on Thursdays 12:30-2:30, September 10 – Oct 8. BREAK OCT 15, resumes Oct 22 – November 19  (CHECK BACK FOR FUTURE SESSIONS AND WORKSHOPS)
WHERE:Â Hopkins Center for the Arts, Room 204, 1111 Mainstreet in downtown Hopkins, (ample free parking)
COST: $300, registration details are below. (Payment options available)
WHAT TO BRING: Notebook and writing utensil and/or laptop.
HOW TO REGISTER:Â Send an email to Nina at She will write back to secure your spot in the group (limited to 10 participants), and give you details on payment.
Questions? Email
Latest posts by Nina Badzin (see all)
- #138 – The Neighborhood Village and How Community is Different From Friendship - March 24, 2025
- #137 – Find Your Walking Friends - March 17, 2025
- #136 – Your Three to Five Closest Friends - March 10, 2025
- #135 – The Hyperlocal Friendship Challenge - March 3, 2025
12 Responses
Would love if this was in Chicago.
You’ll just have to move here. 😉
Nina! Congratulations! What a great idea. I just wish I loved close, so I could attend. Good luck.
That would be so fun for many reasons!
Wonderful idea and (don’t mean to be rude) about time. 😉 This should be a great writing session. I’m looking forward to hearing how this goes.
I’m really excited about it!
I’m so happy for you, and thrilled it’s filling up so quickly. What a wonderful and logical next step for you!
Diann recently posted..Inflammation-Fighting Green Goddess Smoothie Bowl
Thank you so much! I’m really excited about this one. It’s filling me up in a good way.
Good job, Nina! Wish I was there to join you. It’s been really fun to watch your freelance grow in different directions. Also, the post about friends being free editors really hit home. I swap manuscripts with readers, but when someone sends me a book to review, edit, and offer suggestions on when I really don’t have time to read…it’s awkward. It sits abandoned in my inbox while I hope they forget about it. So passive of me. I need to nicely say, “I’m sorry,” which shouldn’t be so hard…
AmyMak recently posted..The Delicious Blueberry Peach Smoothie
Yes, the review issue can be a burden. I appreciate it when authors acknowledge that is basically extra work and then I am more likely to move that person’s book up if I can. When an author acts like the “free” book is a major favor, I feel a bit more aggravated. The time it takes to read, review, post, etc, is more than the $10-15 that the book would cost.
What a great idea! Congrats on this project, Nina! I have yet to find the time and courage to attend one like this but I think it’s great to be in a ‘school’ filled with like-minded souls. Have a great weekend ahead!
Joy recently posted..A Romantic’s Guide to Meteor Showers
I think that’s exactly it, Joy. It’s really great to be with like-minded writer-peeps. 🙂