Why I Love Fleabag (It’s Not For The Friendships)

Okay, internet (by which I mostly mean, Twitter). You were right about Fleabag on Amazon. It’s fantastic. (I think the show hits its stride by episode three.)

You know how sometimes you hear so much about something that you’re sick of it before you’ve given it a chance? That’s how I felt about Fleabag so I was reluctant to try the show. Well, I was wrong. Fleabag deserves the hype. I’m almost done with the second season, which Amazon aired recently, and which received six Emmy nominations.

I’m not going to tell you what Fleabag is about because you can Google that in a second. But it’s worth mentioning that one of the different aspects of the show is how the main protagonist often “breaks the fourth wall,” meaning she makes side comments and facial expressions to the audience. This is not annoying even though it sounds like it would be. It’s a key to the show’s success. Trust me!

I often highlight shows because I love the friendships in them. Fleabag is not in that category. In fact the main character’s total lack of true friends is a major part of the show, in my opinion. It’s not mentioned much, but it’s very glaring to me.

Have you seen it? Did you love it?

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Nina Badzin hosts the podcast Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship. She's been writing about friendship since 2014, co-leads the writing groups at ModernWell in Minneapolis, and reviews 30+ books a year on her website.

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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