All Episode of Dear Nina (Titles Only)

Here is an easy reference to all episodes of Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship

Looking to pitch an episode idea? Details are here. BUT, read the list below first and please pitch a topic/angle I haven’t already covered.

Interested in placing on ad on the show? I have more information here.


Episodes are in chronological order from earliest to the most recent.

#1. The Friend Who Will Only Text: Kathy Sackheim (my mom)

#2. When Your Friend’s Kid is Being Mean to Your Kid:  Taryn Kessel (my bff)

#3. The Friend Who Never Initiates Contact: Pam Moore

#4. Revealing Too Much Too Soon: Christie Tate

#5. The Friend Who Ignores Your Social Media Posts: Rudri Patel

#6. Unfriend, Mute, Unfollow, or Block

#7. Forgiveness and Reconciliation After a Friendship Breakup: Rebecca Kotok

Mini-Episode: The Friendship Apology Prayer

#8. When Friends Ask Questions You Don’t Want to Answer: Kathy Sackheim

Mini-Episode: A Positive View of Friends Asking Personal Questions

#9. Friends Will Hang Out Without You: Taryn Kessel

#10. My Kid Isn’t Interested in Pursuing This Friendship: Jessica Speer

Mini-Episode: Friends Make Mistakes

#11. Lessons From Male Friendships: Dave Dluger

#12. Helping a Friend in Crisis and Asking Friends for Help: Alissa Butterfass

#13. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make New Friends: Michelle Platt

#14. Plan Ongoing Activities to Make Deeper Connections with Friends: Jessica Smock

#15. The Art of Small Talk and Body Language When Making New Friends:  Ali Wenzke

#16. Stop Focusing on the Popular Group

#17. Friendship and Sobriety: Jen (Gilhoi) Veralle

#18. Four Friendship Dilemmas in 30 Minutes: Taryn Kessel

#19. Novels and Memoirs About Friendship: Rebekah Jacobs

#20. Friendship Chemistry

#21. Friends Who Are Like Family and the Ways Friends Show Up: Rachel Levy Lesser

#22. Host Friends (and Potential Friends) for Meals with Less Stress: Debra Arbit

#23. When Kids’ Issues are Too Private to Discuss with Friends: Rebecca Prenevost

#24. Maintaining Boundaries Without Damaging Your Friendships: Bryan Badzin

#25. Improving Group Texts: Kat Vellos

#26. Making New Friends After 50:  The Pop Culture Preservation Society

#27. Covid Issues with Friends, Teen Groups, and Friends Who Leave: Taryn Kessel

#28. Grieving the Death of a Friend: Zibby Owens

#29. Outgrowing a Friendship and Friends Who Do Not Root For You: Chaz Sandifer

#30. Loneliness and Worry Despite Having Close Friends: Mary Laura Philpott

#31. Friends Who are Different from You: Stephanie Pierce and Julie Burton

#32. Conflict Can Strengthen a Friendship: Dr. Marisa Franco

#33. When the Desire for Friendship is Not Equal: Ruchi Koval

#34. Reconnecting with an Ex-Friend: Rebecca Kotok

#35. Managing a Lopsided Friendship and Assuming the Best: Anna Goldfarb

#36. Widowhood and Friendship: Kathy Sackheim (my mom)

#37. The Benefits of Couple Friends: Bryan Badzin

#38. Knowing Your Friendship Preferences and Limitations: Diana Spechler

#39. Trying One New Thing Every Day to Make New Friends: Pam Lamp

#40. Giving Thoughtful Gifts to Friends

#41. Work Friend, Real Friend, or Customer?  Lisa Harris

#42. Which Friendships Do You Enjoy and Why?

#43. Navigating Money and Friendship  Mia Brabam

#44. Diet Culture and Friendship  Pam Moore

#45. Learning From Our Parents’ Friendships Linda Pressman

#46. The Power of Casual Friendships  Shari Leid

#47. Friendship Triangles, Envy, Competition and Ghosting Christie Tate

#48. Friendship Despite Disagreements: Ask a Jew (or three) with Yael Bar Tur and Chaya Leah Sufrin

#49. Unexpected Friendships Will Schwalbe

#50. How Friendships Change With Age, Overlooking Foibles, Dealing With Our Teens’ Friendships, and more: my mom!

#51. Recognizing a Toxic Friendship: Michelle Anderson and Lauren Massarella of The Sister Project

#52. Choosing a New Expat Life After a Tragedy:  Jen Zwinck

#53. It’s Never Too Late To Make New, Close Friends: Megan Tamte (founder of Evereve)

#54. Text Your Friends Back and Other Tips on Maintaining Friendships: Laura Tremaine

#55. How to Support a Friend Facing an Ambiguous Loss:  Emma Nadler

#56. Revisiting the Problems and Potential of Group Texts: Kat Vellos

#57. Listen for What’s Not Being Said and Other Friendship Solutions From the Five Senses: Gretchen Rubin

#58. Poker, Mahjong, and Becoming Closer Friends Through a Game: Mark Oppenheimer

#59. Difficult Teen Friendships and Levels of Parent Involvement: Stephanie Sprenger

#60. College Friends: The Magic of the 90s and the Potential of Current Campus Friendships: Daisy Alpert Florin

#61. The Case for Phone Calls and Low-key Hangs with Friends: Jo Piazza

#62. The Friendship of the Weekly Walking Partners: Leslie Hooton

#63. Telling Friends They’ve Let You Down: Dr. Marisa Franco

#64. Old School Blogging Friendships: Jill Smokler

#65. Teen Friends Groups and Teen Friendship Strife: Dr. Lisa Damour

#66. Introvert Energy in Friendships: Heidi Shertok

#67. Visit Your Long Distance Friends

#68. When Your Friend is in an Unhealthy or Abusive Relationship: Rachel Katz

#69. Don’t Be Afraid of Saying the Wrong Thing to Friends With a Chronic Illness: Jennifer Cramer-Miller

#70: Become Your Own Social Director: Don’t Wait for Invitations

#71: Learning From Friendship Breakups: Diamonde Williamson

#72. Grudges and Apologies in Friendships: Kathy Sackheim (my mom!)

#73. I’m Just Not That Into This Friendship: Ruchi Koval

#74. The Childhood Friends Who Shaped Our Identities: Kristin Nilsen

#75. Scheduling, Structure, and Traditions as the Key to Making and Keeping Friends: Jeff Waldman and Dan Moore

#76. Yes, Reach Out to Your Friends During a Crisis

#77. Laughter From Loneliness: Gabe Mollica

#78. Pursuing a New Friend and Texting Etiquette: Rachel Levy Lesser and Stephanie Goldstein

#79. Moving Every Three Years and Creating Community: Bri McKoy

#80. Neediness in Friendships: Sally Vardaman

#81. The Friends Who Want to Hear Your Good News: Chaz Sandifer

#82. The Lasting Ties of Friendships Formed in Difficult Times: Jenny Leon

#83. The Sisterhood of the Fellow Exes: Lara Starr

#84. How to Turn an Acquaintance Into a Friend: Debra Arbit

#85. The More the Merrier? That’s Not Always True: Danielle Bayard Jackson

#86. Every Friendship Starts (or deepens) With an Act of Bravery: Amy Weathery + Jess Johnston

#87: Beyond The Golden Girls: Platonic Life Partners at Any Age: Rhaina Cohen

#88. Differences of Opinion With Friends and the Potential of Friendship With Cousins: Emily Locker

#89. Negative Friendship Patterns & Breaking an Unhealthy Cycle: Christie Tate

#90: The Friends You Want Around During a Crisis: Kelly Lang

#91: Why Big Friend Groups Often Fail and Helping Kids Manage Conflict with Close Friends: Dr. Lisa Damour

#92. The Courage to Trust Friends After You’ve Been Hurt

#93. Small Friendship Slights and Changing Your Instagram Handle

#94. Five Friendship Issues to Consider Addressing With a Therapist: Dr. Roxanne Francis

#95. Overtalking, Undertalking, and Lessons for Friendships in the Art of Storytelling: Micaela Blei, PhD

#96. Mixtapes, Mahjong, and Other Sensory Friendship Experiences: Gretchen Rubin

#97. Disclosing My Invisible Disability Increased the Intimacy In My Friendships: Estelle Erasmus

#98. 5 Questions to Evaluate Your Friendships at the End of the School Year (or any time!)

#99. The 14-Day Friendship Mindset Cleanse: Anna Goldfarb

#100. The Magic of Camp Friends: Dara Levan

#101. Ask Me Anything! (Best Friends, Friendship Trios, Being More Direct with Friends and much more)

#102. Friendships Can Survive Hurt Feelings and Conflict: Shasta Nelson

#103. Friendship Meet Cutes and Your Fashion Emergency Friends: Rachel Levy Lesser

#104. Being a Good Friend to Someone With Terminal Cancer: Jill Smokler

#105. Quick Friendship Tip: You Need (Some) Time With Your Long Distance Friends

#106. Healing After Being Dropped from a Group of Friends: Meghan Judge

#107. Letter Spotlight: Friendships between sisters-in-law (plus roommates, cousins, and neighbors)

#108. Talking to Friends about Money: a replay with Mia Brabham Nolan

#109. Quiet Quitting a Friendship: Dr. Miriam Kirmayer

#110. Neurodiversity and Friendships: Dr. James Richardson

#111. Letter spotlight: The Friend Who Never Asks About You

#112. Navigating Friendship During the College Admissions Process: Kate Proger

#113. Unintentionally Hurting a Friend: (Revisiting an episode with my mom!)

#114. The Enneagram and Friendships: Christina Wilcox

#115. The Freshmen Energy Trick for Making New Friends as an Adult

#116. Lose Track of who Makes the Plans and 7 Other Friendship Tips from Dr. Ruth: Allison Gilbert

#117. Hobbies and Friendship: Preparing for the Empty Nest and Retirement: Dara Collins and Donna Kassman

#118. Navigating Post-30s Friendship Struggles Through Social Prescribing: Julia Hotz

#119. Reviving Friendships that Drifted Apart (even decades later): Kay Paschal

#120. 6 Ways to be More Generous in Your Friendships: Emma Nadler

#121. Rules For Making Plans With Friends: Letter Spotlight

#122: Grieving the End of a Friendship: Revisiting a conversation with Diamonde Williamson

#123: Male-Female Friendships and Liking Friends’ Social Media Posts: Matt Ritter and Aaron Karo

#124: Friendship Who Criticize You and Two Other Dilemmas (letter spotlight)

#125: The 10% Rule in Friendships and the Negativity Bias : Ann Imig

#126: Is it Time For a Friendship Cleanse? Anna Goldfarb (encore)

#127: January Friendship Challenge: See a Friend in Person This Month 

#128: Your Friends Won’t Always Say the Right Thing When You’re Struggling, Forgive Them: Steve Phillips

#129: Do you know how your friends like to be comforted in hard times?

#130: The Sober Curious Lifestyle and Your Friendships: Hallie Sawyer

#131: Monthly Friendship Challenge: Start a Ritual/Tradition with Friends: with Rachel Steinman and Rachel Winter

#132: The Power of the 4 Types of Connection: Dr. Adam Dorsay

#133: Talking to Friends About Your Sex Life: Dr. Arielle Buch-Frohlich

#134: The Potential for Friendship in Fan Communities: SC Perot

#135: The Hyperlocal Friendship Challenge (March challenge!)

#136: Your Three to Five Closest Friends (Letter Spotlight) with Rebekah Jacobs

Hi, I'm Nina

HI, I’M NINA BADZIN. I’m a writer fascinated by the dynamics of friendship, and I’ve been answering anonymous advice questions on the topic since 2014. I now also answer them on my podcast, Dear Nina! I’m a creative writing instructor at ModernWell in Minneapolis, a freelance writer and editor, and an avid reader who reviews 50 books a year. Welcome to my site! 

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Hi, I'm Nina

DEAR NINA: Conversations About Friendship is a podcast and newsletter about the ups and downs of adult friendship. I’m the host, Nina Badzin, a Minneapolis-based writer who accepted a position as a friendship advice columnist in 2014 and never stopped. DEAR NINA, the podcast, started in 2021, and has been referenced in The Wall Street JournalThe Washington PostTime Magazine, The GuardianThe Chicago TribuneThe Minneapolis Star Tribune, and elsewhere

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