Here is an easy reference to all episodes of Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship
Looking to pitch an episode idea? Details are here. BUT, read the list below first and please pitch a topic/angle I haven’t already covered.
Interested in placing on ad on the show? I have more information here.
Episodes are in chronological order from earliest to the most recent.
#1. The Friend Who Will Only Text: Kathy Sackheim (my mom)
#2. When Your Friend’s Kid is Being Mean to Your Kid: Taryn Kessel (my bff)
#3. The Friend Who Never Initiates Contact: Pam Moore
#4. Revealing Too Much Too Soon: Christie Tate
#5. The Friend Who Ignores Your Social Media Posts: Rudri Patel
#6. Unfriend, Mute, Unfollow, or Block
#7. Forgiveness and Reconciliation After a Friendship Breakup: Rebecca Kotok
Mini-Episode: The Friendship Apology Prayer
#8. When Friends Ask Questions You Don’t Want to Answer: Kathy Sackheim
Mini-Episode: A Positive View of Friends Asking Personal Questions
#9. Friends Will Hang Out Without You: Taryn Kessel
#10. My Kid Isn’t Interested in Pursuing This Friendship: Jessica Speer
Mini-Episode: Friends Make Mistakes
#11. Lessons From Male Friendships: Dave Dluger
#12. Helping a Friend in Crisis and Asking Friends for Help: Alissa Butterfass
#13. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make New Friends: Michelle Platt
#14. Plan Ongoing Activities to Make Deeper Connections with Friends: Jessica Smock
#15. The Art of Small Talk and Body Language When Making New Friends: Ali Wenzke
#16. Stop Focusing on the Popular Group
#17. Friendship and Sobriety: Jen (Gilhoi) Veralle
#18. Four Friendship Dilemmas in 30 Minutes: Taryn Kessel
#19. Novels and Memoirs About Friendship: Rebekah Jacobs
#20. Friendship Chemistry
#21. Friends Who Are Like Family and the Ways Friends Show Up: Rachel Levy Lesser
#22. Host Friends (and Potential Friends) for Meals with Less Stress: Debra Arbit
#23. When Kids’ Issues are Too Private to Discuss with Friends: Rebecca Prenevost
#24. Maintaining Boundaries Without Damaging Your Friendships: Bryan Badzin
#25. Improving Group Texts: Kat Vellos
#26. Making New Friends After 50: The Pop Culture Preservation Society
#27. Covid Issues with Friends, Teen Groups, and Friends Who Leave: Taryn Kessel
#28. Grieving the Death of a Friend: Zibby Owens
#29. Outgrowing a Friendship and Friends Who Do Not Root For You: Chaz Sandifer
#30. Loneliness and Worry Despite Having Close Friends: Mary Laura Philpott
#31. Friends Who are Different from You: Stephanie Pierce and Julie Burton
#32. Conflict Can Strengthen a Friendship: Dr. Marisa Franco
#33. When the Desire for Friendship is Not Equal: Ruchi Koval
#34. Reconnecting with an Ex-Friend: Rebecca Kotok
#35. Managing a Lopsided Friendship and Assuming the Best: Anna Goldfarb
#36. Widowhood and Friendship: Kathy Sackheim (my mom)
#37. The Benefits of Couple Friends: Bryan Badzin
#38. Knowing Your Friendship Preferences and Limitations: Diana Spechler
#39. Trying One New Thing Every Day to Make New Friends: Pam Lamp
#40. Giving Thoughtful Gifts to Friends
#41. Work Friend, Real Friend, or Customer? Lisa Harris
#42. Which Friendships Do You Enjoy and Why?
#43. Navigating Money and Friendship Mia Brabam
#44. Diet Culture and Friendship Pam Moore
#45. Learning From Our Parents’ Friendships Linda Pressman
#46. The Power of Casual Friendships Shari Leid
#47. Friendship Triangles, Envy, Competition and Ghosting Christie Tate
#48. Friendship Despite Disagreements: Ask a Jew (or three) with Yael Bar Tur and Chaya Leah Sufrin
#49. Unexpected Friendships Will Schwalbe
#50. How Friendships Change With Age, Overlooking Foibles, Dealing With Our Teens’ Friendships, and more: my mom!
#51. Recognizing a Toxic Friendship: Michelle Anderson and Lauren Massarella of The Sister Project
#52. Choosing a New Expat Life After a Tragedy: Jen Zwinck
#53. It’s Never Too Late To Make New, Close Friends: Megan Tamte (founder of Evereve)
#54. Text Your Friends Back and Other Tips on Maintaining Friendships: Laura Tremaine
#55. How to Support a Friend Facing an Ambiguous Loss: Emma Nadler
#56. Revisiting the Problems and Potential of Group Texts: Kat Vellos
#57. Listen for What’s Not Being Said and Other Friendship Solutions From the Five Senses: Gretchen Rubin
#58. Poker, Mahjong, and Becoming Closer Friends Through a Game: Mark Oppenheimer
#59. Difficult Teen Friendships and Levels of Parent Involvement: Stephanie Sprenger
#60. College Friends: The Magic of the 90s and the Potential of Current Campus Friendships: Daisy Alpert Florin
#61. The Case for Phone Calls and Low-key Hangs with Friends: Jo Piazza
#62. The Friendship of the Weekly Walking Partners: Leslie Hooton
#63. Telling Friends They’ve Let You Down: Dr. Marisa Franco
#64. Old School Blogging Friendships: Jill Smokler
#65. Teen Friends Groups and Teen Friendship Strife: Dr. Lisa Damour
#66. Introvert Energy in Friendships: Heidi Shertok
#67. Visit Your Long Distance Friends
#68. When Your Friend is in an Unhealthy or Abusive Relationship: Rachel Katz
#69. Don’t Be Afraid of Saying the Wrong Thing to Friends With a Chronic Illness: Jennifer Cramer-Miller
#70: Become Your Own Social Director: Don’t Wait for Invitations
#71: Learning From Friendship Breakups: Diamonde Williamson
#72. Grudges and Apologies in Friendships: Kathy Sackheim (my mom!)
#73. I’m Just Not That Into This Friendship: Ruchi Koval
#74. The Childhood Friends Who Shaped Our Identities: Kristin Nilsen
#75. Scheduling, Structure, and Traditions as the Key to Making and Keeping Friends: Jeff Waldman and Dan Moore
#76. Yes, Reach Out to Your Friends During a Crisis
#77. Laughter From Loneliness: Gabe Mollica
#78. Pursuing a New Friend and Texting Etiquette: Rachel Levy Lesser and Stephanie Goldstein
#79. Moving Every Three Years and Creating Community: Bri McKoy
#80. Neediness in Friendships: Sally Vardaman
#81. The Friends Who Want to Hear Your Good News: Chaz Sandifer
#82. The Lasting Ties of Friendships Formed in Difficult Times: Jenny Leon
#83. The Sisterhood of the Fellow Exes: Lara Starr
#84. How to Turn an Acquaintance Into a Friend: Debra Arbit
#85. The More the Merrier? That’s Not Always True: Danielle Bayard Jackson
#86. Every Friendship Starts (or deepens) With an Act of Bravery: Amy Weathery + Jess Johnston
#87: Beyond The Golden Girls: Platonic Life Partners at Any Age: Rhaina Cohen
#88. Differences of Opinion With Friends and the Potential of Friendship With Cousins: Emily Locker
#89. Negative Friendship Patterns & Breaking an Unhealthy Cycle: Christie Tate
#90: The Friends You Want Around During a Crisis: Kelly Lang
#91: Why Big Friend Groups Often Fail and Helping Kids Manage Conflict with Close Friends: Dr. Lisa Damour
#92. The Courage to Trust Friends After You’ve Been Hurt
#93. Small Friendship Slights and Changing Your Instagram Handle
#94. Five Friendship Issues to Consider Addressing With a Therapist: Dr. Roxanne Francis
#95. Overtalking, Undertalking, and Lessons for Friendships in the Art of Storytelling: Micaela Blei, PhD
#96. Mixtapes, Mahjong, and Other Sensory Friendship Experiences: Gretchen Rubin
#97. Disclosing My Invisible Disability Increased the Intimacy In My Friendships: Estelle Erasmus
#98. 5 Questions to Evaluate Your Friendships at the End of the School Year (or any time!)
#99. The 14-Day Friendship Mindset Cleanse: Anna Goldfarb
#100. The Magic of Camp Friends: Dara Levan
#101. Ask Me Anything! (Best Friends, Friendship Trios, Being More Direct with Friends and much more)
#102. Friendships Can Survive Hurt Feelings and Conflict: Shasta Nelson
#103. Friendship Meet Cutes and Your Fashion Emergency Friends: Rachel Levy Lesser
#104. Being a Good Friend to Someone With Terminal Cancer: Jill Smokler
#105. Quick Friendship Tip: You Need (Some) Time With Your Long Distance Friends
#106. Healing After Being Dropped from a Group of Friends: Meghan Judge
#107. Letter Spotlight: Friendships between sisters-in-law (plus roommates, cousins, and neighbors)
#108. Talking to Friends about Money: a replay with Mia Brabham Nolan
#109. Quiet Quitting a Friendship: Dr. Miriam Kirmayer
#110. Neurodiversity and Friendships: Dr. James Richardson
#111. Letter spotlight: The Friend Who Never Asks About You
#112. Navigating Friendship During the College Admissions Process: Kate Proger
#113. Unintentionally Hurting a Friend: (Revisiting an episode with my mom!)
#114. The Enneagram and Friendships: Christina Wilcox
#115. The Freshmen Energy Trick for Making New Friends as an Adult
#116. Lose Track of who Makes the Plans and 7 Other Friendship Tips from Dr. Ruth: Allison Gilbert
#117. Hobbies and Friendship: Preparing for the Empty Nest and Retirement: Dara Collins and Donna Kassman
#118. Navigating Post-30s Friendship Struggles Through Social Prescribing: Julia Hotz
#119. Reviving Friendships that Drifted Apart (even decades later): Kay Paschal
#120. 6 Ways to be More Generous in Your Friendships: Emma Nadler
#121. Rules For Making Plans With Friends: Letter Spotlight
#122: Grieving the End of a Friendship: Revisiting a conversation with Diamonde Williamson
#123: Male-Female Friendships and Liking Friends’ Social Media Posts: Matt Ritter and Aaron Karo
#124: Friendship Who Criticize You and Two Other Dilemmas (letter spotlight)
#125: The 10% Rule in Friendships and the Negativity Bias : Ann Imig
#126: Is it Time For a Friendship Cleanse? Anna Goldfarb (encore)
#127: January Friendship Challenge: See a Friend in Person This Month
#128: Your Friends Won’t Always Say the Right Thing When You’re Struggling, Forgive Them: Steve Phillips
#129: Do you know how your friends like to be comforted in hard times?
#130: The Sober Curious Lifestyle and Your Friendships: Hallie Sawyer
#131: Monthly Friendship Challenge: Start a Ritual/Tradition with Friends: with Rachel Steinman and Rachel Winter
#132: The Power of the 4 Types of Connection: Dr. Adam Dorsay
#133: Talking to Friends About Your Sex Life: Dr. Arielle Buch-Frohlich
#134: The Potential for Friendship in Fan Communities: SC Perot
#135: The Hyperlocal Friendship Challenge (March challenge!)
#136: Your Three to Five Closest Friends (Letter Spotlight) with Rebekah Jacobs